Submitted by: Robin Simpson, MNO Métis Healthy Babies Healthy Children Coordinator

Infant massage class
Baby Levi enjoys an infant massage during the workshop.

During the months of April and May, parents in Bancroft gathered with Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) staff for infant massage classes. The classes were led by MNO Métis Healthy Babies Healthy Children Coordinators Robin Simpson and Tammy Hoover. During this time, parents learned about the health benefits of infant massage and how to build stronger connections with their babies. They also learned techniques to relax together with their baby, how to build sleep time routines and how to effectively read and respond to their babies’ cues.

One parent Kristen Seaborne expressed her gratitude and effectiveness of the class. “I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to participate in the infant massage classes as they have benefitted both myself and my baby,” said Seaborne. “I have incorporated the massage techniques that we learned into my baby’s bedtime routine and find that it’s a great way to help him relax and wind down before bed. It is an awesome way for me to bond with him. I have noticed that infant massage has also helped my baby with tummy troubles.”

These workshops created a great networking opportunity for parents to get to know each other better. Parents were also able to take part in Métis crafting activities such as dot painting, blanket making and creating body scrubs. MNO staff stressed the importance of being kind and taking care of yourself as parents as well.

Published on: July 7, 2016