The Ottawa Historical Association is pleased to announce that its next regular lecture will be delivered by Nicole St-Onge and Brenda Macdougall of the University of Ottawa on “Rooted in Mobility: 19th-Century Métis Buffalo Hunting Brigades.” The lecture will take place on Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 7:30 pm in Room 2017, Dunton Tower, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.

Dr. Nicole St-Onge is Professor of History at the University of Ottawa, and the author of Saint-Laurent, Manitoba: Evolving Métis Identities, 1850-1914. Dr. Brenda Macdougall is Associate Professor of Geography and Chair of Métis Research at the University of Ottawa, and the author of One of the Family: Métis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan.

Professors Macdougall and St-Onge (with Carolyn Podruchny of York University) have just published the edited work, Contours of a People: Métis Family, Mobility and History (University of Oklahoma Press, 2012).