Friday, August 28
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
299 Montreal Road
This event–supported by the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) and the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)–will bring together Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal decision makers from across the local community to identify wise practices in the field of urban Aboriginal partnerships, networking and community development.
The gathering will provide your organization with an opportunity to provide input into the development of the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs’ (MAA) Urban Aboriginal Action Plan, which is curretnly being implemented over the next two years.
The Urban Aboriginal Action Plan will inform urban Aboriginal provincial policy development going forward and will have a wide reaching impact for all stakeholders that have an interest in improving the socio-economic outcomes for urban Aboriginal communities across Ontario.
A hot lunch will also be provided and a traditional opening will be facilitated by a local community Elder/Senator.
Please RSVP by Friday, August 21, to to confirm your attendance. A follow-up e-mail will be sent confirming your attendance and further details of the meeting.
Ginny Gonneau, Policy Analyst/Projects Coordinator
MNO Education and Training Branch
613-798-1488 ext. 134