Pursuant to Article 9 of the Electoral Code the following persons are declared acclaimed to the following offices:

Regional Councillors (PCMNO)

Region 1:
Theresa Stenlund

Region 5:
Roger Rose

Region 8:
Karen Derocher

Post-Secondary Representative (PCMNO):
Hannah Bazinet

Youth Representative (PCMNO):
Jordyn Playne

Youth Council (MNOYC)

Regional Youth Representatives:

Region 3:
Samantha Picotte

Region 5:
Janna Rose

Region 6:
Jeffrey Dusome

Region 7:
Dalton Latondress

Region 9:
Paige Coture

Veterans Council (MNOVC):

Brian Black

Women’s Representative:
Lisa Tessier

Sergeant at Arms:
Douglas Woods


Declared this 20th day of May, 2020
Paul DeVillers, Chief Electoral Officer

Posted: May 20, 2020