Summary of OneFeather Security Protocols for Electronic and Telephone Voting

by Lawrence Lewis, Founder OneFeather

I am pleased to share with you a summary of OneFeather’s security protocols for electronic and telephone voting.

OneFeather is cloud based software designed with the most current and leading cyber security technologies and data protection architecture available. All of our software utilizes the latest encrypted technologies in all transmissions and storage. Moreover, we utilize Canadian AWS servers (including multiple firewalls) – ensuring the best data protection measures available.

Voters wishing to access either electronic or telephone voting may only do so following activation of their OneFeather profile which utilizes a number of steps to authenticate and verify a voter’s identity. Once this step is completed – which includes a traditional 2-step verification process – the eligible voter is then also provided a PIN (personal identification number) unique to the voter and to the voting event. If the
voter does not have an email and wishes to vote by phone, we provide their PIN directly to the voter following a verification process over the phone.

In order to vote successfully the eligible voter must utilize the secure voting link we provide or the toll-free number, along with their Citizenship No, Date of Birth and the PIN. If anyone of these critical pieces is absent or otherwise used incorrectly, the voter will not be permitted to Vote, and MNO’s Chief Electoral Officer will be notified of any flagged citizens experiencing voting difficulties.

Other security features limit the use of only one (1) email to be used per voter – that is to say that emails can not be shared or used by more than one eligible voter.

We also have a number of security features which monitor IP use (your computer or smart device) 24/7/365 and brute force attacks or other attempts by bad actors to compromise the voting event.

Finally, our systems track each vote, all voter activity and each voting attempt in an immutable ledger for audit and appeal purposes if needed.

OneFeather is also designed to ensure that each eligible voter is able to vote only once, only on ballots for which they are entitled to vote. This is tracked across all voting platforms, including in the case of the 2024 PCMNO, MNOVC and MNOYC elections online, by telephone and by mail. We accomplish this through some sophisticated and innovative software development which essentially pairs ‘tags’ between ballots and voter data – effectively revealing only the ballots available to that voter, making ineligible ballots inaccessible and ensuring that it is impossible to vote more than once per eligible ballot.

While no online or digital solutions can guarantee 100% impenetrability to bad actors and unscrupulous types, OneFeather is very proud of our track record and continues to invest in the best security features and protocols available to ensure your successful voting event.