Christmas Message from MNO President
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So You think you know Mining Video Contest
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MNO Generation Innovation Premiere Screening
December 7, 2012 | Ryerson University room POD 250 | Introduction 5:30PM | Screening 6:00PM Sharp Q&A 6:30pm with dinner and refreshments You are invited to the premiere of the first Generation Innovation: Métis Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge screening at Ryerson University. Put on by the Métis Nation of Ontario, Métis Infinite Reach and Ryerson University,
Santa Claus is Métis!
Santa Claus (MNO citizen Raymond Tremblay) urges everyone to send him a letter at the North Pole. As we all know, you can find Métis people in every walk of life that you can imagine, but did you know that Santa Claus is Métis? In addition to portraying Santa at the Rideau Centre in Ottawa
MNO Kenora Métis Council Members Participate in Governance and Finance Training
Participants in the Governance and Finance Training in Kenora: Front Row (L-R): Jamie Triskle, Nina Henley (in white) Sandra Triskle, Cyndy Laliberte, Joel Henley.Back Row( L-R): Kathleen Tardi, Chis Deslauriers, Colette Surovy, Martin Camire The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) benefits immensely from the dedicated volunteers who are members of our chartered community councils. These
MNO Responsible Gambling Mock Casino in Timmins a great success!
Participants at MNO Responsible Gambling Event in Timmins Despite inclement weather, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) held a Responsible Gambling event on Saturday November 24, 2012. This event was organized in partnership with Shawn Roy from the YMCA Youth Gambling Awareness Program. The participants were invited to have a healthy lunch and listen to
Métis Representatives to Aboriginal Education Advisory Council Meet in Hamilton
One of the discussions during the meeting of Métis representatives to the Aboriginal Education Advisory Council (left to right) Wanda Botsward, MNO Chair France Picotte, MNO Vice-chair Sharon McBride, PCMNO Senator Verna Porter, Vic Brunelle, Senator Cecile Wager Across Ontario, a number of citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) serve as Métis representatives
Come and Walk in our Moccasins
Thinking about medicine as a career? Want to meet and talk with our current medical students? Join us for our next session of “Come and Walk in our Moccasins”: Since 2010, “Come and Walk in our Moccasins” is a Mini Medical School session for interested Aboriginal youth, post-secondary and mature students to experience “a day
MNO Captain of the Hunt Recieves Award
MNO Captain of the Hunt Ken Simard with the Bob Secord Award of Excellence On October 16, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Region 2 Captain of the Hunt Ken Simard was recognized for 15 years of volunteer service to the Ontario Senior Games Association (OSGA). According to the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal: “In the world
Remembering the Past: Window to the Future
Stained Glass Windows designed by Métis Artist Unveiled on Parliament Hill (Left) The Stained Glass window commemorating Residential School Survivors unveiled in Parliament. (Right) Métis artist Christi Belcourt, who designed the window, speaking at the ceremonyMNO Executive Senator Reta Gordon speaking at the Dedication CeremonyThe picture above indicates the location of the Residential Schools Stained