Election 2018Recently re-elected PC MPP Norm Miller speaking at the
2016 MNO Annual General Assembly. MPP Miller has
been a mainstay at provincial Louis Riel Day ceremonies,
AGAs and at Métis community council events for many
years. Click to view a larger version of this picture.

Following the results of yesterday’s provincial election, the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) has indicated the importance of working with the new Progressive Conservative majority government to continue advancing the recognition of rights, interests and aspirations of Métis families and communities throughout Ontario.

In a letter congratulating Premier-designate Doug Ford, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Margaret Froh stated that the existing long-term agreements between the Ontario government and the MNO provide a strong basis for strengthening our government to government relationship. “The MNO looks to work with the new government in matters of mutual priority including Métis self-government, health, employment, education and housing,” stated President Froh.

The MNO extends congratulations to New Democratic Party (NDP) Leader Andrea Horwath and her party for achieving Official Opposition status in the upcoming Parliament.

The MNO also fully acknowledges and appreciates the important contributions of outgoing Premier Kathleen Wynne and her cabinet to advance reconciliation with the Métis in Ontario.

In her letter of congratulations to Premier-designate Ford, President Froh extended an invitation to attend the upcoming MNO Annual General Assembly in Peterborough. “It is important that we establish working relationships with the new government and move quickly in the areas identified in the MNO-Canada-Ontario Framework Agreement,” stated President Froh, “the MNO looks forward to meeting with Premier Ford and his Cabinet Ministers to build a better Ontario for Métis and all Ontarians.”

Posted: June 8, 2018