Submitted by: Verna Porter-Brunelle, PCMNO Senator

A special donation to La Maison Rosewood Shelter
PCMNO Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle (left)
and MNO Honourary Senator Audrey Vallee
show their comfort blankets.

This past November and December, PCMNO Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle spent many hours making comfort blankets at Georgian College in Midland. On December 11, 2014, Senator Porter-Brunelle and Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Honourary Senator Audrey Vallee presented the comfort blankets to La Maison Rosewood Shelter—an emergency women’s shelter in Midland. A total of six blankets and four small children’s blankets were presented to Annick Brown, Supervisor at La Maison Rosewood Shelter.