Submitted by: Larry Ferris, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Chairperson

MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Youth Group member

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Council Youth Group has been very active this winter. The youth have been working on creating walking sticks and dream catchers as well as activities such as snowshoeing, orienteering and tobogganing.

Lessons were provided to the youth on snowshoeing and how to use a compass. It was impressive how quickly the youth caught on to both activities. While sledding, youth were also shown how the Métis sash was used to keep warm and were taught about the practicality of the sash as well as its symbolic importance.

The group was also fortunate to of enjoyed a dinner and a movie night and a four feature drive-in movie night at the MNO office in Midland.

Additionally, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council youth enjoyed an evening of making yule logs for Christmas.

Youth member Dalton Latondress took great pride in creating a wonderful yule log decoration. He was generous enough to gift it to the secretary at his school. She was overwhelmed and moved by his generosity. She told Latondress that his yule log would be the center piece of her Christmas dinner table.