Chair Danielle Secord, MNO President Margaret Froh, and PCMNO Region 7 Councilor David Dusome sign Community Charter in Barrie, Ont.

Update on Barrie-South Simcoe 2019 election: The 2019 election for the Barrie-South Simcoe council took place September with the following results:

President: Alex Turpin
Chair: Danielle Callander
Senator: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Janette Prisciak
Women’s Representative: Roxanne Shank
Youth Representative: Mike Turpin
Councillor: Jake Turpin
Councillor: Rheiner Kammer

The candidates have been elected for a four-year term.


On July 29, 2019, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) citizens met in Barrie for the signing of the latest community charter in an early evening ceremony.

The MNO Barrie-South Simcoe Métis Council represents the 31st and most recent chartered community council to join the MNO, following the previous signing of the Thames Bluewater Métis Council in November 2018. It also represents the fifth council to join Region 7, which is also home to the Georgian Bay Métis Council, Great Lakes Métis Council and the Moon River Métis Council.

Following an opening prayer, Committee Chair Danielle Secord, PCMNO Region 7 Councilor Dave Dusome and MNO President Margaret Froh delivered welcoming remarks.

“I want to acknowledge the work that the working group committee has done … and the support of other councils, to help create a real sense of community among citizens,” said President Froh as she addressed the group.

Dusome also praised the work of those involved in making the new council a reality, and spoke to the new relationships being fostered at this crucial point in MNO history as it advances towards goals of self-government.

“I’m truly looking forward to working with the new Barrie-South Simcoe Métis Council,” commented Dusome. “We’re being chartered to the Métis Nation of Ontario family at a great time, as we’ve just signed a new self-government agreement with the federal government. The MNO has been waiting 26 years for this moment. It’s been a very exciting and busy time for all of us.”

The signing of a new charter also signals the beginning of an election process for the newly minted council. Following the signing, attending leadership and citizens discussed preparation for the upcoming council election, which will take place Sunday, September 22, 2019 at the MNO office in Barrie.

The composition of the new Community Council will be as follows: President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Senator, Women’s Representative, Youth Representative and two (2) Councilors-at-Large. The Community Council may determine how many councilors-at-large are needed.

Citizens are advised to check the MNO website in August as the Election Notice and Nomination forms will be posted to the site. Those with further inquiries can contact Manager of Community Relations Hank Rowlinson at or by cell at 613-858-4809.

Posted on: August 2, 2019