Submitted by Greg Garratt, Captain of the Hunt for Region 7 and member of the Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee
(Left to right) John Peevers (Bruce Power), Region 7
Captain of the Hunt Greg Garratt, PCMNO Region 7
Councillor Pauline Richardson, Senator Larry Duval, MNO
President Margaret Froh, Bruce Power President Mike
Rencheck, Emily Johnston (Bruce Power), MNO Georgian
Bay Métis Council President Dave Dusome, MNO Great
Lakes Métis Council President Peter Coture, James
Scongack (Bruce Power) and Francis Chua (Bruce Power).
Clck here for larger picture.
On January 12, 2017 Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Margaret Froh and Bruce Power President Mike Rencheck met for a first ever Presidents meeting hosted through the MNO Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee (GBTTCC) in Owen Sound. The MNO GBTTCC consists of PCMNO Region 7 Councillor Pauline Richardson, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council President Dave Dusome, MNO Great Lakes Métis Council President Peter Coture, MNO Moon River Métis Council Senator Larry Duval and Region 7 Captain of the Hunt Greg Garratt.
This meeting had been a long time in the making and was possible when the Bruce Power Board of Directors made the appointment of its new President in 2016. The evening included a dinner and gift presentations. President Froh presented a gift bag to President Rencheck including a copy of the first ever MNO Veterans’ Council book, which was made possible by sponsorship from Bruce Power.
The dinner proved to be an excellent relationship building opportunity where everyone got to socialize and build a foundation for undertaking future work on the vast amount of consultation that must take place over the coming years.
In the great tradition that is part of being Métis, humorous stories and anecdotes were told that left both parties in a positive frame of mind for the many meetings ahead.
Posted: January 25, 2017