Back row (left-right): Senator Terry Bloom (Peterborough), Councilor Luke Thompson (Peterborough), Women’s Representative Taryn Blackstock (Peterborough), Senator Gary Laframboise (Niagara), Women’s Representative Claire Kearns (Oshawa), Secretary Jeannette Ireland (Oshawa Durham), Councilor Terri Head (Oshawa Durham), President Andy Dufrane (Peterborough), Senator Cecile Wagar (Oshawa Durham), President Derrick Point (Niagara), Chair Christa Lemelin (Peterborough), Chair Kevin Henry (Oshawa Durham). Front row (left-right): Senator Parm Burgie (Ottawa), President Karen Derocher (Credit River), Councillor Barbara Card (Peterborough), Secretary Leah Brown (Niagara), President Kristin Randall (Oshawa Durham), Secretary Emily Gjos (Ottawa). Missing: Senator Constance Simmonds (Toronto-York). Click here for larger picture.
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Peterborough and District Wapiti Métis Council (PDWMC) hosted a workshop at Trent University on May 27-28. The two-day workshop focused on creating resilient councils that achieve their objectives. The workshop instructor was Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and Facilitator Tara McDonough of “What’s Possible. The community councils with members present included the MNO Ottawa Region, Oshawa Durham Region, Credit River, Toronto-York and Niagara Region Métis Councils.
The first day focused on building resilient Councils. Tara coached participants on how to be resilient, adapt effectively to stress as well as how to identify strengths of each council member in order to maximize the potential of the entire council. The second day was focussed on time management skills, how to run meetings more effectively and taught participants how to balance council duties with family, careers and every-day life.
Participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gather together and learn as a collective and to bring the knowledge back to share with their councils and community.
Posted: June 6, 2017