OTTAWA – March 25, 2010 — It’s official. Dr. Brenda Macdougall has been inaugurated as Chair of Métis Studies at the University of Ottawa. At a reception Thursday afternoon, hosted by UOttawa’s Institute of Canadian Studies, Dr. Macdougall shared her plans to attract students to Ontario Métis research. In addition to teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses, the plan is to establish the Métis Family Research Center.

Dr. Macdougall was named to the Chair in late 2009 and joined the faculty at UOttawa on January 1, 2010. According to France Picotte, today is another exciting day for Métis in Ontario and across the homeland. “To date Dr. Macdougall’s work has been rooted in Métis families and Métis communities. She and her students can build on the methodologies she’s developed to unearth the untold stories of Ontario Métis and to help all Canadians come to a better understanding of the significant role of Métis in building our province.

Some of Dr. Macdougall’s research to date is captured in her recently released book. Called “One of the Family,” it explores Métis culture in 19th century North Western Saskatchewan.