On December 9, 2015, the Ontario legislature passed the Métis Nation of Ontario Secretariat Act, 2015 (the “MNO Act”). This was a historic milestone for Ontario Métis in our ongoing journey of advancing Métis rights and self-government.

Based on requests from Métis citizens, two documents have now been prepared that provide additional information about the MNO Act.

  • The first document, called Understanding the MNO Act, 2015, is an easy-to-read guide on the legislation. It includes the historic context and rationale for the legislation, the timeline leading to the passage of the legislation and a general overview of the MNO Act. Click here to view the document on the MNO website.

Hard copies of these documents will be available to all Métis citizens attending the upcoming Community Information Sessions being held across the province in February. Click here for more details on these sessions.

Hard copies will also be distributed to MNO offices but are also available by request from Mike Fedyk, Director of Communications, at mikef@metisnation.org.