Image of a vaccine bottleThe nation-wide COVID-19 vaccine roll-out has begun! Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Citizens will be part of the first phase rollout of vaccines.

Canada has secured over 40 million vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna; however there have been some delays in Canada receiving those vaccines from suppliers. In the meantime, provincial health care institutions are ramping up the process of administering the vaccine they have to health care workers, essential care givers and residents of long term care homes who were identified as a priority group as part of the first phase vaccine rollout.

In Ontario, Métis, Inuit and First Nations are part of the first phase rollout of vaccines in the province. The MNO is working closely with Ontario on the details of the vaccine rollout to MNO citizens.  As information about the vaccine rollout becomes available, the MNO will provide updates to our Citizens.

Please note: If you or a member of your council has been approached by a public health unit or other agency offering to administer the vaccine for MNO citizens, please contact MNO Associate Director of Healing and Wellness Shelley Gonneville.

As you can appreciate, the status of COVID-19 vaccine availability has been fluctuating from day to day. We will inform MNO citizens where and when they can get vaccinated as soon as those details become available.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, or its rollout to Métis citizens, please submit them to Shelley Gonneville and we will be provide for answers to your questions. Watch for further information updates on MNO’s Facebook, in website posts and through Zoom town halls!

Ontario’s Ministry of Health fact sheets about the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine availability: