COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics in Ontario

Beginning November 6th, 2021, eligible individuals will be able to book their booster dose appointment through the COVID-19 Vaccination Portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre, effective at 8:00 am. If local clinics are not viewable on this date, they will be added in the coming days. Please do not call the Health Unit to try to book your appointment. You will not be able to get your 3rd dose without an appointment.

All newly eligible groups must wait 6 months (168 days minimum) following their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in order to be eligible for a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. (example: If you got your second dose of your vaccine on June 1st, 2021, you are eligible for a booster dose on November 16th, 2021 – if you meet the below criteria)

  • Individuals aged 70 and over (based on calendar year, not date of birth)
  • Eligible Healthcare workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings
    • All Hospital and Acute Care Staff
    • All patient facing healthcare workers/staff involved in the COVID-19 response
    • Medical First Responders
    • Healthcare workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings (Assisted Living, correctional settings, shelters, Long-Term Care Homes, Retirement Homes, supportive housing, hospice and palliative care settings
    • Home and Community Care health care workers, providing in-person care
  • Individuals who received a complete series of a viral vector vaccine (Astra Zeneca), or one dose of Janssen vaccine.
  • Indigenous, Metis and Inuit adults (over 18 years of age), and any household members

For a complete new eligibility list, please visit: Ontario Expanding Booster Eligibility to More Ontarians | Ontario Newsroom, and here: COVID-19 Vaccine Third Dose (

Individuals still requiring first of second doses DO NOT need an appointments.

There is no benefit in trying to get your booster prior to the required intervals.

Clinic Information

Indigenous Vaccination Day
Saturday September, 11th | 1PM – 4PM
22 Vaughan Rd (Bathurst & St. Clair)

Auduzhe is offering Indigenous community members and their close contact household members a $25 gift to Tim Hortons or Loblaws.

Open to any Indigenous person born in 2009 or after. (First Nation, Inuit, and Metis people regardless of status or registration.

How do I get a gift card?:

Receive a COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccination OR Schedule an appointment at our clinic and speak to health care professionals to discuss any questions you may have about the COVID- 19 Vaccine, or any barriers you may face.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Must identify as First Nation, Inuit, or Metis
    OR be a close contact household member
  2.  Vaccination (up to 2 gift cards, 1 per dose)
  3. One discussion/education session with a
    clinician regarding vaccination

Book appointment online:

Includes Sault Ste Marie, Blind River. Elliot Lake, Iron Bridge, North Channel, Wawa Area.

Indigenous Adults 18+ and Household Members

Click here for booking information.

As of Friday Nov 26th , Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit community clinics will be available for 5 -11 year olds by appt, and anyone still needing a dose 1 or dose 2 on a walk in basis.

The following options with then be available for anyone eligible for a third dose and boosters until health unit community clinic demand for 5 to 11 drops and we open to boosters again:

  • RVH 29 Sperling Clinic – appts available in PVAB (or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900) and walk ins
  • OSMH/COHT clinic – appts available through their own booking link
  • Muskoka primary care provider clinics (open to their patients and un-rostered patients) – appts available in PVAB
  • 138 local pharmacies – some by appt some walk in refer to provincial pharmacy locator tool for more info
  • GOVAXX Bus

The Hastings Prince Edwards Public Health Unit is booking through the provincial system. Eligible for those adults 60 years of age or older.

To register click here.

Belleville, Bancroft, & Picton Area (Hastings Prince Edwards Public Health Unit) is now booking Indigenous adults 18 years of age and older and their households. They can book by clicking here.

All Indigenous adults and their household members 16 years of age and older are eligible to book a COVID-19 vaccine in Brantford. 

Please complete this survey:  and we will email you a link to book your appointment. 

If you do not have access to internet, you can call Brant County Health Unit at 519-753-4937 ext.438 to book an appointment over the phone. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Bookings
Clinic bookings are now available for: Older adults, 60+, Urban Indigenous adults, 55+ 

Please call: 1-800-461-1818

The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit is offering COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Indigenous youth and adults in the region. Starting March 10, 2021 a clinic for Indigenous youth and adults 16 years of age and older and their households will be available at the John D. Bradley Centre in Chatham, ON. This clinic will be administering the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Book Online at or  Call 519-351-1010

Starting the week of March 22nd clinics for Indigenous adults 16 years of age and older and their households will be available at the Ska:Na Family Learning Centre at 67 Adelaide Street South in Chatham, ON and the Chatham-Kent Community Health Centre in Wallaceburg, ON. These clinics will be administering the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. Book Online at or  Call 519-351-1010 or email

The Durham Region Health Unit is offering COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for urban Indigenous adults 16 years of age and older and adults 60 years of age and older including those who will be turning 60 in 2021. On March 22nd urban Indigenous adults who are 18 years of age and older and their household members can begin booking appointments. The time, date, and location of appointments will be given once the appointment is confirmed. To book an appointment visit or call us at 1- 888-444-5113.

Proof of Citizenship will be required.

The Health Unit is in the process of finalizing their urban Indigenous vaccine roll-out plan.


The Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit is offering COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics. The Health Unit has opened a pre-registration system for eligible priority populations identified by the provincial government. Adults who are a member of an Indigenous community and who live in Wellington County, Dufferin County, and the City of Guelph are eligible to register. The location of your vaccination appointment will be provided upon confirmation of the appointment. Individuals can register by clicking here. 

If you need assistance while registering we encourage you to ask a family member or friend for help. If you still need assistance please call us at: 519-822-2715 Ext. 4506. When you pre-register, you will select your preferred method of communication (email and/or text message). This is how Public Health will contact you to book a vaccine appointment. Note: The online pre-registration portal is not compatible with the Internet Explorer browser. Please use either Chrome, Safari or Firefox browser.

More information about the COVID-19 vaccine can be found on our website at:

Indigenous Adults 18+ and their adult household members:

Starting Friday, April 9, Indigenous Adults (including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit populations) who live in Halton and are 18 years of age and older can book an appointment to receive their COVID-19 vaccine at a Halton Region COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic.


The Halton Region Health Unit is offering a COVID-19 Vaccine clinic for adults who are 60 years of age and older from any community within the Halton region. They are also booking member of the First Nation, Métis, or Inuit Community that are a resident of Halton region AND are 18 years of age or older (OR an immediate household family member of someone who has booked a vaccine appointment in this category).

To register please visit by calling 311 or 1-866-442-5866 (toll free)

Location: St. Joe’s West 5th Campus is administering the Moderna vaccine for age 18 and older

To book your appointment, call the COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline at (905) 974-9848, option 7. 


You can also go directly to DAHC’s website if they like:

The Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services Unit is offering COVID-19 Vaccine clinics. Appointments are now available for Indigenous adults 18 years of age and household members. Everyone MUST have a pre-booked appointment in order to be vaccinated. You can book an appointment by clicking here.

The Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health Unit in partnership with the Kingston Community Health Centre is offering COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics. The clinic is for all Indigenous households. The date and time of the vaccination appointment will be determined when booking. You must book an appointment in order to receive the vaccine. Please complete the consent form and bring it with you to the appointment

 Indigenous Adults can book through the KFLA Public Health Unit at

All Indigenous Adults *ages 16+ includes First Nations, Metis and Inuit.

Call our local Leeds, Grenville, Lanark Booking Centre toll-free at 1-844-369-1234. Hours of operation are 8:30am to 4:00pm, 7 days a week.

All Indigenous adults 16 years old and over are now eligible to get the COVID-19 Vaccine in both the Middlesex London Public Health Unit and in the Southwestern Public Health Unit. Book an appointment online at: or call 226-289-3560 from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM Monday to Sunday.

Hosting a mass clinic for Indigenous on and off reserve 18+ on May 6th 2021. To register please call 705-368-2182 ext 201

Ottawa Public Health and the Wabano Centre are holding a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for Indigenous adults 16 and older starting March 1st at the St. Laurent Complex at 525 Coté Street in Ottawa.

St Laurent Clinic is booking appointments for Indigenous community members (First Nation, Inuit or Métis) age 16 or older. Proof of Indigenous identity/status is required (e.g. status card, 60s scoop letter, Métis Card, Inuit beneficiary card). Non-Indigenous family members age 16 or older (including partner or spouse) who live in the same household. Proof of shared household may be requested (e.g. identification with address, pieces of mail, or testimony by Indigenous household member). Please call 613-691-5505 to book an appointment.

Vaccination is by appointment only. Your MNO Citizenship Card and a piece of Government of Ontario ID (Health Card, Driver’s License etc.) will be required. A pre-consent form will have to be completed. For more information or to book and appointment please call 613-691-5505.

Learn more at:

GBHU Vaccine Clinics January 31 – February 6

For the week of January 31 – February 6, the Grey Bruce Health Unit will hold vaccine clinics at the following locations and times:

Monday, January 31

  • Beaver Valley Community Centre, 58 Alfred St. W., Thornbury 12:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Davidson Centre, the Hall, 601 Durham St., Kincardine 12:00pm – 6:00pm

Tuesday, February 1

  • Durham Community Centre, 451 Sadler St. W, Durham, ON, 10:00am – 4:00pm


Wednesday, February 2

  • Ripley-Huron Community Centre, 17 Queen St., Ripley 10:00am – 4:00pm

Thursday, February 3

  • Keady Community Centre, 116931 Grey Rd 3, Keady 10:00am – 4:00pm
  • Walkerton Community Centre, 290 Durham St. W., Walkerton 10:00am – 4:00pm

Saturday, February 5

  • CLINIC for Children 5-11 Years Old Only
  • East Ridge Community School, 1550 8th St E., Owen Sound 10:00am – 3:00pm

Sunday, February 6

  • CLINIC for Children 5-11 Years Old Only
  • East Ridge Community School, 1550 8th St E., Owen Sound 10:00am – 3:00pm

It is recommended that you book your appointment to prevent wait-times; however, walk-ins are welcome at all clinics. Individuals 18 and over are eligible to schedule their booster dose appointment through the Ontario’s booking portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre and through Indigenous-led vaccination clinics and participating pharmacies and primary care settings.

Appointments will be booked three months (84 days) after a second dose as the province urgently expands booster eligibility. For those aged 5-11, the COVID-19 vaccines should be booked at least 14 days before or after other vaccines. Second doses for this age group MUST BE at least eight weeks after the first dose. Second dose appointments ARE NOT automatically booked when booking your first dose.


We are not able to book for you.

In addition, participating primary care providers and pharmacies may offer the COVID-19 for children and youth.

For detailed information about the Grey Bruce Health Unit’s vaccination process, and booking your vaccine, please review the Health Unit and Provincial website at:

For a current list of all clinics, please visit our weekly Clinic Schedule. Clinics are subject to cancellation due to weather.

For More Information:

Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer

To arrange to speak with Dr. Arra, please contact:

519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 ext. 3940


Indigenous adults 16+, as well as those in their household who are 16+ and not Indigenous, are eligible to register through an online registration form supported by the De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre. 

Registrants will be contacted with their appointment time and date. Anyone who is unable to access the online registration form is invited to call the Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre at 905-871-8931, or the Niagara Regional Native Centre at 905-688-6484 to register for an appointment. Pop-Up Indigenous Vaccination Clinics on April 21, 22, and 28.

Click here to book an appointment.

Urban Indigenous 18+ can call the Health Unit to book your appointment.  You are not able to go online and schedule an appointment unless you are within the approved age bands – born in or before 1961.  Please call the North Bay Parry Sound Health Unit at 1-800- 563-2808 and select 5 to book an appointment. You must identify as Urban Indigenous to be eligible to book into one of the clinics.  Additionally, those in your household 18+ are also eligible to book an appointment. 

Where and how to book an appointment for children in Peel Region
Once vaccination for children is approved, parents and guardians may find out booking information at:

Region of Peel has a webpage dedicated for children and COVID-19 vaccine:
Please note this portions of this webpage will be updated once we have received further guidance and direction from the province (e.g. dosage, eligibility criteria, consent)

Now booking Adults 70+ and Indigenous Adults (18+) and their Household Members (18+), regardless of status or Indigenous identity. Link:

Community clinics are one of the ways we are vaccinating residents quickly and safely. Vaccination information can be accessed through Once launched, there will be new content updated on the Region of Peel website. This content will not be visible until 12 noon (approximately). 

The Renfrew County and District Health Unit is offering COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics to Indigenous adult 18 years of age and older with Proof of Indigenous Identity. To book an appointment please visit If you are unable to register online please call us at 613-735-9724 or 1-800-267-1097 Ext. 200. Residents are asked to only leave one message with their name and phone number and someone will return their call as soon as possible.

Pre-registration is for Indigenous people aged 18+ currently living in Lambton County who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine. Appointments for Non-Indigenous folks 60+ are available as well. 

Click here to register.

We are currently booking appointments at four different locations through the booking site:

  • St. Thomas – Memorial Arena Auditorium
    80 Wilson Avenue, St. Thomas
    Beginning next week – Tuesday to Saturday (evening appts available Tuesday – Thursday)
  • Woodstock – Reeves Community Complex (Goff Hall)
    381 Finkle Street, Woodstock
    Beginning next week – Tuesday to Saturday (evening appts available Tuesday – Thursday)
  • Tillsonburg – Tillsonburg Community Complex (Lion’s Den)
    45 Hardy Avenue, Tillsonburg
    Select Wednesdays until January 2022 – Hours 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Aylmer – Ontario Police College
    10716 Hacienda Road, Aylmer
    November 25, December 15 and December 22 – Hours 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

We are excited to welcome anyone for an appointment whether it’s their first dose or their third dose (24 weeks from their 2nd dose). We have many appointments available.

If anyone requires assistance with booking an appointment, our Response Centre is happy to support! 1-800-922-0096 ext. 9 (Monday to Friday 8:30 – 4:30 daily).

Please do not hesitate to reach out if I can be of any assistance or if further information is needed!

Indigenous adults 16+ and their families living in the same household. Please visit

Indigenous community members 18+ and their partners/spouses or other adult household members can book for clinics in Chapleau, Sudbury East, Greater Sudbury, Lacloche Foothills area and Manitoulin Island by calling the booking center to book an appointment at 705.674.2299 (toll-free: 1.800.708.2505) OR 1.844.782.2273.

The booking center is open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Please identify your Indigenous eligibility when calling. You will be registered and then notified of when a clinic is available near you.

Accepting registrations for COVID-19 vaccine standby lists for upcoming clinics. Please register here ONLY if you meet one of the following eligibility requirements:

Please do not call the health unit. If appointments become available, we will contact eligible people by telephone.

COVID-19 VACCINATION CLINICS FOR FIRST NATIONS, MÉTIS AND INUIT 18+ and Adults living in the same household.

Appointments are necessary. Walk-ins will not be accepted.

Book online here or call 1-800-461-1818.

Need a ride to the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic? To arrange transportation, contact: Timmins Native Friendship Centre: (705) 268-6262 OR Wabun Tribal Council: (705) 268- 9066

  • On Monday November 15th ONWA will be soft launching the Mindimooyenh Vaccine Clinic at their 380 Ray Blvd. office
  • The clinic will be fully open on Monday November 22nd.
  • This clinic will be set up by appointment only Monday through Friday 9:00-4:30.
  • The phone line is still active but hours will be changing from 10am-2pm to 9:00am-5:00pm 1-807-697-1753. This phone line is to book appointments but also to support community members with questions, locating a clinic in their area (in/out of Thunder Bay) etc.
  • The clinic will first focus on booster shots, 1st and 2nd doses, then once the vaccine for children 5-11 years is approved, the clinic will shift to that age group as a priority.
  • There will be a social media blitz coming next week, I will share information as I receive it – and please keep an eye on ONWA’s social media
  • Here is the webpage

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit in partnership with the Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) has set up an area for the Indigenous community to receive their COVID-19 vaccines at Windsor Regional Hospital – St. Clair College. The vaccines are administered by appointment only. To schedule an appointment visitYou can now book directly through the Health Unit. To book an appointment please visit:

York Region Indigenous COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics are being held from March 29 to 30, 2021 for all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit adults 18 or older and non-Indigenous adults living in the same household. Book an Appointment Online Here. For booking assistance please call: 1-877-464-9675. The York Region Public Health Unit is also offering COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics for Highest and Very High Priority Health Care Workers who live OR work in York Region and residents who are 60 years of age and older and who live in York Region as well as Indigenous Adults (18+) and members of their household. Select pharmacies in Kingston, Toronto, and Windsor are now distributing the AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD vaccine to residents between the ages of 60 to 64 years of age. To find a pharmacy near you visit: