Ministry of Ministère des
Municipal Affairs Affaires municipales
and Housing et du Logement
Ontario Mortgage and Société ontarienne
Housing Corporation d’hypothèques et de logement
2nd Floor, 777 Bay Street 2e étage, 777, rue Bay
Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Toronto ON M5G 2E5
Tel : (416) 585-6472 Tel : (416) 585-6472
Fax: (416) 585-7610 Téléc: (416) 585-7610
May 26, 2011
Dear Service Manager,
I am pleased to confirm that the Ontario Mortgage and Housing Corporation (OMHC) is, once again,offering students living in rent-geared-to-income (RGI) social housing the opportunity to apply for a Dr.Albert Rose Bursary.
A maximum of $1,500 will be provided to students enrolled in at least 60% of a full-time undergraduate course load, and a maximum of $500 will be provided to students enrolled in less than a 60%undergraduate course load. All applicants must be enrolled in an OSAP-approved program of study that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate.
The Bursary program relies on housing providers to inform potential candidates about the program and, in the past, has also relied solely on them to verify applications. In order to be eligible for consideration the applicants’ addresses and Social Insurance Numbers must be verified.
Due to the difficulties applicants have reported in the past in securing housing provider verification of their applications, this year we are asking you, as Service Managers, to assist in this task. If applicants have trouble getting their application verified by their housing provider, we kindly request that your office
provide assistance to verify applications. The website address for Municipal Service Managers’ contact information will be included on the application and on the website postings associated with this program.
This letter is being sent exclusively to Service Managers, and we are requesting that you share it with your housing providers. Your assistance in alerting housing providers to the availability of the program this year is greatly appreciated. The application is available on-line and completed applications will be accepted until June 17, 2011. Bursary Website —
We are delighted to be launching the 2011 Dr. Albert Rose Bursary program and look forward to working with you, and your housing providers, on its delivery. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact: Darrell Heaton at (416 585-6478) or Ruby Eversley at (416-585-6055)
Alison Coke
Chief Executive Officer