Submitted by: Pauline Saulnier, PCMNO Councillor of Region 7

participate in the mno
Presenters at information session about the MNO

Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Senator Verna Porter in collaboration with MNO staff member Joanne Parent, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Chair David Dusome and the Board of Villageois (Manor) at Villageois in Lafontaine recently invited Lafontaine francophone citizens to an information session on what the MNO is all about.

The information session took place on March 20.

The information session included presentations on Métis culture and heritage, the MNO and its activities, the benefits of joining the MNO and how to become a citizen.

The event was a great success, approximately 75 people were in attendance and many of which took home applications.