Submitted by: Guy Mandeville, MNO Veterans’ Council Chair

MNO Veterans' Council_Girl Guides
MNO Veterans’ Council Chair Guy Mandeville (back row,
far left) and PCMNO Region 6 Councilor Tom Thompson
(back row, far right) with youth from the 10th Tweed Girl
Guides Unit. Click here to view a larger version of the

On October 18, 2016, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council Chair Guy Mandeville, CD, and PCMNO Region 6 Councilor Tom Thompson paid a visit to the 10th Tweed Girl Guides Unit to lead a workshop on Métis history and culture in Ontario. The 10th Tweed Girl Guides are a multi-branch unit with members of all ages from the different branches, which include Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers.

Mandeville and Thompson brought along MNO Métis Education Kits to assist them with their presentation, which Mandeville says was an asset. The youth asked many excellent questions, which both Mandeville and Thompson were more than happy to answer. Overall, the presentation was a very rewarding experience for all involved.

Published on: December 13, 2016