Submitted by: Yvonne Jensen, MNO Citizen and MNO North Chanel Métis Council President

Harvesting Meeting
Art Bennett, Region 4 Captain of the Hunt, at the
harvesting meeting.

On November 9, 2014 the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) North Channel Métis Council (NCMC) held a meeting on harvesting rights at their head office in Blind River, Ontario. MNO citizens from Elliot Lake and Blind River attended the meeting. The meeting began with Yvonne Jensen, NCMC President, introducing Art Bennett, Region 4 Captain of The Hunt, to the group.

Bennett assured the citizens that if he did not have the answer to any of their questions, he would get back to them. Questions asked during the meeting concerned Region 4 boundaries, acceptable hunting practices, and regulations about cutting wood. Throughout the afternoon, Bennett and some of the citizens shared entertaining and informative stories.

Bennett also signed harvesting applications and answered questions about the application process. Light refreshments were enjoyed by all.

President Jensen closed the meeting and thanked everyone for coming. She presented Bennett with a book called Values and Traditions of our Ancestors, which was very much appreciated.