The MNO Youth Council received a special gift from the
MNO Veterans’ Council at the 2018 MNO AGA in
Peterborough. Pictured are MNO Veterans’ Council
President Joseph Paquette, Region 2 Youth Council
Representative Paul Robitaille, MNO Youth Council
President Mitch Case, Region 1 Youth Representative
Kelly Duquette, Region 4 Youth Representative Taylor
McNally, Region 6 Youth Representative Aly Dusome,
Region 7 Youth Representative Jordyn Playne and MNO
Veterans’ Council Senator Guy Mandeville C.D. Click here
to view a larger version of this picture.
Submitted by Greg Garratt, MNO Veterans’ Council Secretary/Treasurer
When Irene Robitaille, a Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) citizen from Penetanguishene, was visiting a friend in the hospital, the patient in the next bed was cold, so she set out to find a blanket.
Even with the extra blanket, the man, whom she learned was a veteran, was still cold. On her next visit to the hospital, she gave him a fleece honour blanket that she had made.
He was so grateful that she thought of Métis veterans and was inspired to make 30 more for the MNO Veterans’ Council to present to Métis veterans to honour their contributions.
One of those blankets was presented to the MNO Youth Council by the MNO Veterans’ Council at the MNO Annual General Assembly in Peterborough.
The MNO Veterans’ Council puts great energy into supporting the development of Métis youth, educating them on Canadian Forces careers and keeping the torch of remembrance burning.
The blanket is a symbol of the support and guidance the MNO Veterans’ Council provides Métis youth and the blanket will honour Métis youth who choose to serve in the Canadian Forces.
The special gift has sparked the idea for a provincewide beading project, which is still being developed.
“We’ll be asking Métis youth from across the province to bead and then send us a flower of any shape, size, pattern or colours,” said Region 2 Youth Representative Paul Robitaille in an email. “We are also encouraging them to tell us why that flower/pattern is meaningful to them. From there, the MNO Youth Council will arrange and sew the flowers onto the blanket and then connect them using beadwork to form one cohesive piece.
“Essentially it will become a province-wide Metis youth collaborative art project.”
Posted: Sept. 21, 2018