Huntsville school smlMétis Nation of Ontario citizen Victor Brunelle and his
grandson Owen Porter show off a timeline of Métis history
to Grade 4 students at Huntsville Public School. Click here
to view a larger version of this picture.

Submitted by PCMNO Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle

Three grade school classes in Huntsville learned about Métis traditions and way of life during recent visits by Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle and her husband Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) citizen Victor Brunelle.

On May 18, the pair travelled to the classrooms of two of their grandchildren. Their first stop was at Madame Elaine Christenson’s Grade 4 class at Huntsville Public School. There they and their grandson, Owen Porter, gave a presentation to the students.

With beads, a fiddle, furs and more on display, they also explained what the Métis used to cook with, how they made fires and travelled by canoe. Owen spoke about his sash and how proud he is to wear it. The students also enjoyed some bannock and maple syrup

Senator Brunelle and her husband repeated the presentation for Madame Janice Roy and Lisa Mcilmoyle’s Grade 2 students at Riverside Public School. Senator Porter-Brunelle and Brunelle’s granddaughter Shelby Porter also provided a jigging demonstration and wore her sash proudly.

In total, about 45 students took in the presentations.

Showing how much the students enjoyed their visit, Madame Christensen’s class sent a letter to Senator Porter-Brunelle and Brunelle to thank them for coming. The students said they especially enjoyed the bannock and learning how to make a fire.

“J’espère que vous pouvez revenir un jour et nous pouvons plus apprendre sure les Métis,” they wrote in French. In English, it translates to: “I hope you can come back one day and we can learn more about the Métis.”

Posted: June 8, 2018