The Métis Nation of Ontario Healing and Wellness Branch is seeking the services of a videographer to design and produce a culture-based health promotion/health education video to support MNO’s frontline work with Métis clients in the area of Community Support Services. This video will become part of MNO’s broader suite of culture-based tools, resources and products developed by MNO’s Healing and Wellness Branch to support frontline and program staff in promoting health and preventing chronic diseases and conditions in Métis client populations more generally.
Release Date: December 22, 2015
Closing Date: January 15, 2016
The Métis Nation of Ontario Chronic Disease Surveillance Project (CDSP) is a ground-breaking health surveillance initiative focused on gathering Métis-specific data on key indicators of health status and chronic diseases among the Métis people of Ontario. CDSP research undertaken over the past five years has examined rates of diabetes, chronic heart disease, respiratory disease, cancer, musculoskeletal disease, renal disease and mental health and addictions. This research, conducted in collaboration with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES), and with support from the Public Health Agency of Canada, has revealed substantially higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, and musculoskeletal disease among the Métis people of Ontario.
In response to these findings, the MNO has embarked upon a program of targeted health promotion and disease prevention activities among the Métis people of Ontario, which includes the development of culture-based health education tools, resources and products that focus on areas of key health concern for the Métis people of Ontario. The proposed video will form part of the family of products designed to raise awareness of the MNO Healing and Wellness programs available to Métis people, with a specific focus on medical transportation and friendly visiting supports through its Community Support Services program.
The MNO is seeking competitive proposals for a professional Videographer to serve as 3rd Party Contractor in the design and development, in collaboration with the MNO project team, of a culture-based 3-5 minute video that:
- highlights the challenges facing Métis in accessing health care across Ontario;
- highlights the importance of friendly visiting as a means to reduce social isolation
- showcases the community-level services being provided by the MNO in communities across Ontario
- highlights the importance of volunteers to the MNO Community Support Services program
- captures and communicates traditional Métis perspectives and approaches to health, healing, disease prevention, and well-being, through the medium of traditional Métis story-telling/personal histories/ and/or case studies.
- combines knowledge gained from the research described above with traditional Métis community wisdom and approaches to health, healing, and well-being
Working in close collaboration with the MNO Project Lead, the successful proponent will be responsible for designing, developing and producing all aspects of the proposed video. It is envisaged that the video design and production tasks will include the following foundational tasks. It is expected that the proponent will describe how she/he plans to perform and complete each of these tasks.
3.1 Pre-Production
- Research and develop the story
- Identify and incorporate key messages and themes
- Cast 2-3 Métis subjects for the video.
- Prepare storyboards, develop schedule and project workplan, finalize travel plans/itineraries
3.2 Production
- Finalize and train production crew
- Conduct and record interviews with Métis subjects
- capture footage for each subject
3.3 Post-Production
- Complete all video/audio editing
- Ensure all licensing requirements are met (music etc.). Note that all costs associated with licensing are to be absorbed/borne by the contractor.
- Complete motion graphics
- Prepare final deliverable
To assist with this work, the videographer and her or his team will be provided with relevant background materials, including examples of previously produced 3-5 minute videos created to support healthy traditional approaches to food procurement, preparation, sharing and consumption in Métis families and communities as well as videos created to raise awareness of diabetes and cancer screening. All such materials should be referenced and used as foundational documents.
One 3-5 minute Métis client-centred video suitable for use in health promotion and disease prevention workshops designed to address and reduce the high rates of chronic diseases among Métis individuals, families and communities in Ontario and to improve access of people with chronic diseases to health care, particularly as a result of medical transportation services the MNO delivers in communities across Ontario.
The total budget for this project is not to exceed $20,000. It is expected that the videographer will travel to one community for the video production. The location of this community will be identified with consultation of the MNO. All travel costs (air, ground, accommodations, meals) will be covered directly by the MNO and are not part of the contract amount. Terms and timelines for payment will be negotiated in the contract for services, based on written invoices from the 3rd Party Contractor for services completed.
To ensure a proposal is considered for evaluation it must include all the information requested and be presented in the order described below:
6.1. Cover Letter
- A covering letter, dated and signed by a person authorized to negotiate, make commitments, and provide any clarifications with respect to the proposal on behalf of the bidding proponent or firm;
- Include a statement indicating your company’s understanding of the proposed project and the deliverables required.
- The covering letter must reference the title of the RFP;
- Indicate the capacity of the organization to complete the project, including: project organization; project management;
- Provide an indication of any proposed deviations or exceptions to the terms and conditions outlined in this RFP document;
- Provide the name of a single point of contact for this RFP if different from above.
6.2. Proposed Project Plan
- A proposed project plan, with timelines, that indicates the steps to be taken from the start of the contract to the final deliverable (must be completed by March 31, 2016);
- A production and work plan with timelines.
6.3. Project Resources
- Provide examples of previous experience of working with Aboriginal organizations or individuals or within an Aboriginal related context;
- Identify the qualifications and experiences of the project team:
– Identify the lead proponent and provide a breakdown of qualifications for each member of the project team including: Name, Role, Responsibility, Location, Estimated amount of time each person resource will be dedicated to the project; and
- CV’s for each of the project team.
6.4. Innovation
- Provide details of any possible innovative ideas, suggestions, improvements, recommendations, or opportunities for improvement that would enhance the project, process or required outcomes indicated within this RFP.
6.5. Costs and Charges (Budget)
- Provide an all-inclusive fixed cost quotation in Canadian funds for the project;
- Identify the expected costs and their allocation.
As a potential supplier of these professional services, you are invited to submit a proposal to provide professional 3rd Party Contractor Services in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in this document. Please submit your proposal to:
Attention: Dr. Storm Russell – Métis Nation of Ontario
500 Old St. Patrick Street
Ottawa, ON
K1N 9G4
Closing date and time: by 1700 hrs Ottawa time January 15, 2016 – via Email.
Proposals received after the closing time will not be considered.
- RFP Release Date: December 22, 2015
- Closing Date: January 15, 2016
- Tentative Review and Selection of Proponent: January 18, 2016
Inquiries, interpretations, and questions regarding this RFP are to be directed to the attention of Dr. Storm Russell (Project Lead and MNO Senior Policy and Research Analyst), via email, at the following address:
Upon closing, the CDSP Project Lead (MNO Senior Research and Policy Analyst) will review all proposals for completeness. Only completed proposals will be brought forward to the selection committee for further consideration and final decision.
Eligible proposals will be evaluated based on the response guidelines in section 6 and financial competitiveness:
- Quality of the proposal and workplan– 20 pts;
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience working with Métis and/or other Aboriginal peoples – 20 pts;
- Qualifications and experience of the proponent – 20 pts;
- Feasibility of proposed approach and timelines – 20 pts;
- Budget / costs – 20pts
The term of any contractual agreement will be from the date of award up to March 31, 2016.
The selection committee will consist of the CDSP Project Lead (MNO Senior Research and Policy Analyst), the MNO Director of Healing and Wellness and other members of the project team, as determined by the two aforementioned individuals. Selection will be based on the proponent’s qualifications and knowledge; related work experience and depth of experience; overall strength of proposal; and proposed remuneration, and subject to the evaluation criteria as above.
Proponents and their team members may be required to participate in an interview prior to awarding the contract. The MNO reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal deemed most favourable to the interests of the MNO and its partners.
The MNO reserves the right to seek clarification and supplementary information from Proponents after the RFP submission deadline.
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) will enter into a contractual agreement with the preferred proponent. If the MNO is unable to negotiate an acceptable contractual agreement with the preferred proponent, then the second preferred proponent may be selected and a contractual agreement developed. The MNO, at any time and without liability, may withdraw from negotiations with any potential proponent.
14.1. The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a proponent in preparing and submitting proposals and/or attending interviews. The MNO accepts no liability of any kind to a proponent prior to the signing of a contract.
14.2. Submission of a proposal shall not obligate, nor should it be construed as obligating the MNO to accept any such proposal or to proceed further with the project. The MNO may, in their sole discretion, elect not to proceed with the project, and may elect not to accept any or all proposals for any reason.
14.3. Proponents may amend or withdraw their proposals prior to the closing date and time specified in the RFP by way of written or emailed notice to the MNO Director of Healing and Wellness. After the closing date and time, proposals may only be withdrawn by way of written notification.
14.4. Proposals submitted shall be final and may not be altered by subsequent offerings, discussions, or commitments unless the proponent is requested to do so by the MNO.
14.5. The proponent must identify any information in its proposal that it considers to be confidential or proprietary.
14.6. All proposals and accompanying documentation received under this competition will become the property of the MNO and will not be returned.
14.7. The MNO has reserved the right to waive minor non-compliance by a proponent with the requirements of the RFP. This will allow the MNO to consider and possibly accept any proposal which is advantageous even though the proposal may be non-compliant in some minor respect.
14.8. The MNO reserves the right to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any or all proposals.
14.9. The MNO reserves the right to cancel and/or re-issue this RFP at any time for any reason without penalty.
14.10. Prices quoted are to be held firm for a minimum of 120 days following the RFP closing date, and shall remain in effect through the duration of an agreement.
14.11. The proponent’s proposal shall form part of the contractual agreement by attachment and will be incorporated by reference. Claims made in the proposal shall constitute contractual warranties. Any provision in the proposal may be included in the contractual agreement as direct provision thereof.
14.12. The successful proponent agrees to obtain and maintain all professional certifications and licenses necessary to lawfully provide the services required under this request for proposals.
14.13. By submitting a proposal the proponent agrees and acknowledges that it will provide for the duration of the project, the full complement of staff required to perform the work of the project, including the specific individuals identified in its proposal. These key personnel shall remain assigned for the duration of the project unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the MNO. In the event the proponent wishes to substitute any of the key personnel, the individuals(s) proposed must demonstrate similar qualifications and experience as required to successfully perform such duties.