whitefish image

In order to learn about fish movement and behaviour, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) launched an acoustic telemetry project in the Ontario waters of Lake Huron throughout November and December. Lake Whitefish will be tagged and implanted with acoustic transmitters in two locations of Georgian Bay in 2020; up to 50 fish in each location around the Bruce Peninsula and Nottawasaga Bay areas.

Fish implanted with tags will be easy to identify. In addition to an internal acoustic transmitter, tagged fish will be marked by a 5-digit external fluorescent green cinch tag located between the dorsal and adipose fins. If you should encounter one of these tags, please carefully collect the information identified below. The image above is an example of a tag and the location where it will be affixed to subject Lake Whitefish. If you find one, please call 519-371-0420 and leave a message or email chris.davis@ontario.ca.

If a tagged fish is encountered, please retain but do not eat the fish until further instruction from MNRF.

Information requested by MNRF includes (please be as accurate as possible):

  • Acoustic Transmitter: It will be located inside the body cavity that contains the internal organs and is approximately the size of an AA-battery. Since tags could be reused, we request that they be returned to our office. No action is required if whole fish are returned to MNRF.
  • Location of Capture: A GPS waypoint is best but otherwise as much detail about where the fish was captured so that we can pin point the location on a map.
  • External tag number (5 digits): This information is critical so please make every effort to get the number sequence correct. Please record the complete 5-digit tag number, not just the phone number.
  • Tag Colour, description and location on the fish’s body: Lake Huron is co-managed by different agencies and the MNRF is not the only agency tagging fish. Other agency tags could be different colours and in different locations on the fish. We will ensure partner agencies get tag information from any tag reported to us. A digital photograph of the tag is helpful if possible.
  • Fork Length: tip of mouth with the jaw closed to where the two lobes of the tail join.
  • Total Length: tip of mouth with the jaw closed with the tail lobes compressed to give a maximum possible length.
  • Other Information: date of capture, weight, gear type, DCR number (please also record species and external tag number in the comments of the DCR)

For more information contact:

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Provincial Services Division
Upper Great Lakes Management Unit
1450 Seventh Avenue East
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2Z1

Tel: 519-371-0420
Fax: 519-371-5844