MNO Great Lakes Métis Council President Peter Coture,
OCNI Bruce County/Bruce Power Liaison Alison Fernandes,
MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Greg Garratt, and
PCMNO Region 7 Councillor David Dusome showcase
their creations for the fur trade display.
Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) citizens enjoy nothing more than a good challenge. So when the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries requested Métis artwork for their offices in Port Elgin, Ont. the call went out for help. The theme of the display would be the fur trade.
To no one’s surprise, the MNO Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee was overwhelmed with citizens’ eager responses to put together a display representative of Métis traditions and way of life. Over the past six months, individuals from Region 3 and Region 7 came together to collaborate and bring the project to completion.
The members of the MNO Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee would like to thank everyone for their participation, generosity, acts of kindness, countless hours of work and genuine sense of Métis pride.
The Métis artwork display was made possible by:
- Hooped Beaver Pelt — Rob and Cynthia Bartlett–Region 3
- Beaded Paddle – Vicki Jenkins–Region 7
- Beaver Artwork – Marilyn and Leah Prisque–Region 7
- Sashes, Flag and Fiddle – MNO Georgian Bay Traditional Territory Consultation Committee
Posted: April 18, 2019