In March 2022, a delegation from the Métis National Council along with delegations from the Assembly of First Nation and the Inuit Tapirit Kanatami will be visiting the Vatican. The delegations will be meeting with Pope Francis to discuss the painful legacy of the Residential School System and the importance of the Church working to make restitution to the Indigenous peoples who were harmed. The Métis Nation of Ontario will have a representative taking part in the delegation, and bringing forward the voices of our communities.
It is important that our collective voices be heard in this process to address these historical wrongs. In preparation for the delegation, the Métis Nation of Ontario is inviting our citizens to participate in a virtual conversation to help articulate our message to the Pope.
The MNO recognizes that these conversations can be difficult for community members: please know that mental wellness support will be available in a break-out room on this call.
(MNO citizens are also invited to share their experiences in the form of letters, other writing and artwork. MNO delegates will be bringing these item to the Pope, giving a voice to survivors and those victimized by the system. Submit your letters to sarahb@metisnation.org.)
Wednesday, February 23
7:00 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/91073749734
If you would like to join by telephone, you can call 1-613-209-3052, and enter meeting ID 910 7374 9734.
Thursday, February 24
7:00 – 9:00 PM Eastern Time
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93746640159