Métis Nation of Ontario to hold a province-wide plebiscite on next steps related to the Registry Review
At the Métis Nation of Ontario’s (“MNO”) 2022 Annual General Assembly (“AGA”), MNO citizens adopted a resolution directing the MNO to, among other things, organize and hold a province-wide plebiscite vote on next steps related to the MNO Registry Review.
The vote will give all MNO citizens—irrespective of their citizenship file status—an opportunity to have their voice heard on the following question of importance:
Should all existing members/citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) and the MNO Secretariat, whose files do not meet the current requirements for citizenship as set out in the MNO Bylaws and Registry Policy, be removed as members/citizens?
The above question aligns with feedback received from citizens during the MNO’s year-long Registry Review consultation process, as detailed in the publicly available MNO Registry Review Citizen Consultations What We Heard Report (“Citizen Consultation Report”) that was also adopted in principle by the 2022 MNO AGA.
The Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (“PCMNO”) will be meeting in early November to consider the plebiscite voting logistics and processes. Further information on these details will be made publicly available and sent to all citizens, as it becomes available, in the coming weeks. For more general information on the plebiscite, see the MNO’s fact sheet and frequently asked questions.
Information Sessions
Consistent with the AGA’s direction, the MNO will be holding a series of information sessions available to all MNO citizens on the Citizen Consultation Report so that the issues included in the report are fully explained, discussed, and understood. These sessions will also include information and updates on the province-wide plebiscite. All MNO citizens are encouraged to attend.
“An essential first step to move forward to full Metis self-government is providing clarity on who MNO represents, which is why we launched our recent MNO Registry Review. Throughout this process we have been accountable, sharing what we have done to date, and what we’re doing next to address these important challenges,” said MNO President Margaret Froh. “We’ve undertaken extensive consultation, adopted a “What We Heard” Report based on citizen feedback, and our Citizens in Assembly have approved moving to a vote to determine how to address Incomplete files. This plebiscite will provide clarity to our Registry and allow us to move forward.”
More information on the voting procedure and process, as well as details on the information sessions, will be provided to citizens in the coming weeks. Updates will also be posted on the MNO’s plebiscite webpage.
The MNO continues to encourage all citizens with “Missing Documentation” or “Incomplete” files to reach out to the MNO Registry to try to complete their files as soon as possible.
The MNO Registry can be reached toll free at 1-855-798-1006 or at 613-798-1006. You can also communicate with the MNO Registry via email at info@mnoregistry.ca.
About the MNO
In 1993, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) was established through the will of Métis people and their communities coming together throughout Ontario to create a Métis-specific, democratic, province-wide governance structure. The MNO represents and advocates on behalf of its citizens who are rights-bearing members of Métis communities that collectively hold rights, interests, and outstanding claims protected by sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, including, but not limited to, the right of self-government. Ontario is home to the 2003 Powley decision, in which the Supreme Court of Canada recognized the existence of the Métis right to harvest for food that is protected by Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. Powley was—and remains—the only Supreme Court of Canada decision affirming Métis rights protected by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.