UPDATE: We are still seeking MNO Citizens who are “not sure” and who are “not willing” to be vaccinated (up to eight in each category). See the contact details below:

Métis thoughts on vaccination: A Survey

Help tell the story of how Métis feel about the COVID-19 by sharing your thoughts on the Ontario vaccine roll out!

The Métis Nation of Ontario is conducting interviews up to one hour in length about Métis Citizens’ thoughts, feelings and opinions about the COVID-19 vaccines and the roll out in Ontario. We are looking to recruit up to eight MNO Citizens who are willing to be vaccinated, up to eight who are not sure and up to eight who are not willing to be vaccinated (24 in total). Interested MNO Citizens will be selected on a first come basis. Each participant will receive a $25 gift card as a thank you for their time.

If you’re interested in participating in this research study, please complete the following screening survey: https://metisnation.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_55vMjtk8D5iA4Zg. If you have questions, please contact Research@metisnation.org.

Understanding your thoughts, feelings and opinions surrounding vaccination through in-depth interviews will help the MNO facilitate the COVID-19 vaccine roll out with public health and Government of Ontario partners. It will also contribute to valuable and necessary Métis-specific health research.