Proud MNO veterans with the War of 1812 commemorative banner and medal during
ceremonies at Fort York Armouries in Toronto (left to right): Joseph Paquette,
President of the Métis Nation of Ontario Veterans Council (MNOVC), Senator Alis Kennedy
(holding War of 1812 medal) and Greg Garratt, Sergeant-at-arms of the MNOVC.
Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) veterans represented the MNO and the Métis National Council (MNC) in a ceremony at the Fort York Armouries in Toronto on May 22 commemorating combatants who fought on the Canadian side during the War of 1812. Those recognized included Métis and First Nations as well as 31 current regiments of the Canadian Armed Forces that trace their origins to the War of 1812.
His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Defense Minister Peter McKay, Aboriginal and Northern Development Minister John Duncan and Chief of Defense Staff General Walter Natynczyk were among the dignitaries participating in the ceremonies.
During the ceremony, the commemorative banner and medal that will be presented to Canadian Forces units and Métis and First Nations communities involved in the War of 1812 was unveiled. This follows the tradition established after the War of 1812, when banners and medals were presented to Aboriginal communities following the end of the War. An 1812 Commemorative Banner and Medal Ceremony for Métis and First Nations communities will take place later in 2012 in Ottawa.
MNO veterans in attendance included Métis Nation of Ontario Veterans Council (MNOVC) President, Joseph Paquette, MNOVC Sergeant-at-arms Greg Garratt and Senator Alis Kennedy. Métis National Council (MNC) Vice-President David Chartrand also attended.