beausoleil island tripThe MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council youth group at Camp Kitchikewana on
Georgian Bay’s Beausoleil Island.

Submitted by MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Chair Larry Ferris

Members of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Council were joined by many Métis youth during their 2015 annual trip to Beausoleil Island at Georgian Bay Islands National Park.

The youth went to the park as part of an Aboriginal camping group and made up over half of the campers; there were 23 Métis youth and two councillors.
There were lots of new faces and some old friends within the group and the weather was outstanding and made for an enjoyable experience.

Parks Canada organized presentations on the history of Beausoleil Island, including replicas of artifacts used 5,000 years ago in addition to Métis artifacts.
The young campers also learned first-hand about endangered, threatened and rare animal species within the Georgian Bay area, including the Massasauga rattlesnake, an animal known to live along the eastern side of Georgian Bay and on the Bruce Peninsula. Some campers even had the chance to handle Pineapple, an Eastern Foxsnake also included on the threatened species list in the Georgian Bay area.

Other activities the youth enjoyed were canoeing, kayaking, hiking and a new activity they were able to experience was archery. With the excellent weather, some brave campers climbed up a high tower in order to leap about 20 feet down into the water.

The youth went home with new knowledge on conservation, teamwork and leadership skills.

Published on: January 5, 2016