Submitted by: Larry J. Ferris, Georgian Bay Métis Council Chair
MNO Georgian Bay Métis Youth Committee and community members
at the local bowling alley.
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Youth Committee (GBMYC) teamed up with MNO staff to organize an afternoon of glow-in-the-dark bowling for local Métis youth. The kids had a lot of fun and they got to see a wide range of bowling styles. The event was well attended bringing out some new Métis youth as well as some regulars.
The MNO GBMYC would like to thank the Métis veterans who came to cheer on the youth as well as MNO staff member Tera Vivian for helping out with the healthy snacks. It is great when we can pool our resources together and work for the MNO citizens. Markie Tuckett did a great job organizing the event.
Published on: May 6, 2016