We want to hear from you!
Métis Youth Focus Group on Gaming and Gambling Awareness
The Métis Nation of Ontario’s (MNO) Gaming and Gambling Awareness Program will be conducting focus groups with Métis youth and young adults to gather information and insights into youth gambling.
The focus groups will include up to 12 participants and a moderator. During the focus group you will have the opportunity to share your experiences and thoughts about responsible gaming and gambling information. The focus groups will be held via Zoom and last for 2 hours. and will maintain confidentiality.
We want to know where you get your gambling information. What types of prevention messages do Métis youth connect with, and how do Métis youth and young adults want to hear those messages. We will use this information to launch an gambling awareness contest designed specifically for Métis youth and young adults — look for it in the fall of 2021!
All participants will receive a $20 Uber Eats or Tim Horton’s gift card (your choice!).
Youth: Ages 15-17
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Time: 5 – 7pm EST (eastern time)
Young Adults: Ages 18-24
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
5 – 7 pm EST (eastern time)
To register or for more information contact Tammy Adams, Gaming and Gambling Health Promotion Specialist at TammyA@metisnation.org or 705-627-8697.