The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) is pleased to introduce several new staff members to the Education and Training Branch. These individuals bring a wealth of experience and look forward to working on behalf of our communities and clients across Ontario. Please welcome the following talented people to the MNO.

Nancy Sullivan, Regional Employment and Training Coordinator (RETC) – Thunder Bay
Nancy previously worked at Youth Employment Services (YES) in Thunder Bay where she gained valuable experience in job development, labour market service delivery, life skills training and workshop facilitation.
Nancy’s contact information is:
226 S. May Street, Main Floor
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1B4
PH: 807-624-5014
TF: 800-256-2595

Chantal Côté, Education officer/analyst – Timmins
Chantal’s professional background is as a teacher and her program development experience will be a great asset to the MNO’s education initiatives. She is fully bilingual and a native of Timmins, Ontario
Chantal’s contact information is:
347 Spruce St. South
Timmins, ON P4N 2N2
PH: 705-264-3939
TF: 888-497-3939

Kristen Stewart, Acting Project Coordinator, Navigating Employment Pathways Project
Kristen has been employed with the Métis Nation of Ontario Education and Training (MNOET) Branch for approximately two years. She began her employment as the “Job Developer” for the Ready to Work project in Midland where she worked as the Region 7 Intake Worker. She is now in a position to ensure this new project gets off the ground smoothly.
Kristen’s contact information is:
Acting Project Coordinator
355 Cranston Crescent Box 621
Midland, ON L4R 4L3
PH: 705-527-1228
TF: 888-684-7347

Rae-Anna Gardner, Project Developer, Navigating Employment Pathways Project – North Bay

Rae-Anna comes to the branch with a Bachelor of Education and experience in managing an Adult Education Centre. Her background in assisting clients in labour market research, employment counselling and teaching will serve the project participants in North Bay well.
Rae-Anna’s contact information is:
Project Developer
101 Worthington Street East, Suite 235
North Bay, ON P1B 1G5
PH: 705-474-2767
TF: 888-825-1742

Anne Trudel, Project Developer, Navigating Employment Pathways Project – Sault Ste. Marie
Anne’s background in research, community development and client case management will be critical in her role as Project Developer. Her knowledge of Métis culture and involvement in the Métis community will be an asset to the project.
Anne’s contact information is:
Project Developer
26 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 1Y3
PH: 705-254-1768
TF: 877-737-6693

David Seegerts, Project Developer Navigating Employment Pathways Project – Thunder Bay
David is originally from northern Saskatchewan. He has extensive training and experience in employment and career counselling and has performed many roles in the education and training field in both Aboriginal and mainstream organizations.
David’s contact information is:
Project Developer
226 S. May Street, Main Floor
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1B4
PH: 807-624-5014
TF: 800-256-2595

Randi Verreault, Project Developer – Midland
Randi comes to MNO with a diverse employment background–most recently, several years of experience working in the training and employment sector in the Midland area. She is bilingual and an active volunteer in her community and at her children’s school.
Randi’s contact information is:
Project Developer
Randi Verreault
355 Cranston Crescent Box 621
Midland, ON L4R 4L3
PH: 705-527-1228
TF: 888-684-7347