Métis Nation of Ontario announces policy updates based on preliminary feedback from MNO citizens under the Registry Review engagement process
On March 27, 2022, the Provisional Council of the MNO (“PCMNO”)—which is the democratically-elected and province-wide governing body of the Métis Nation of Ontario’s (“MNO”)—passed resolutions related to three policies aimed at ensuring that, where appropriate, certain resources and benefits intended for and/or negotiated on behalf of rights-bearing Métis citizens are being directed to verified Métis rights-holders.
The three policies, which are further explained below, were developed based on preliminary feedback received from MNO citizens during the “MNO Registry and Self-Government Readiness Review” (“Registry Review”) engagement process regarding the need to limit certain programs and services, appointments, and awards or other benefits to MNO citizens with “Complete” citizenship files (i.e., verified Métis rights-holders), as well as in response to questions raised by other governments and third parties regarding the significance of the MNO’s new citizenship cards.
Specifically, the PCMNO approved amendments to MNO Policy#2021-001: Eligibility for Direct Benefit Programs and Services (originally adopted by the PCMNO on November 24, 2021); approved MNO Policy #2022-002: Verification of MNO Citizenship File Status to Other Governments and Third-Party Institutions; and, approved in draft for the purposes of further engagement MNO Policy #2022-001: Eligibility for Internal and External MNO Appointments.
The policies confirm—or are expected to confirm, in the case of MNO Policy #2022-001 adopted in draft—that they will be brought to the MNO Annual General Assembly (“AGA”) for formal consideration and potential approval.
MNO Policy#2021-001: Eligibility for Direct Benefit Programs and Services
As of April 1, 2022, the updated Eligibility for Direct Benefit Programs and Services policy, requires MNO citizens who wish to apply for certain MNO programs and services (referred to as “Direct Benefit Programs & Services”) to provide proof that their MNO citizenship file has been designated as “Complete” by the MNO Registrar (i.e., that they have been verified as a Métis rights-holders).
Proof can be provided by way of a letter from the MNO Registry and/or a valid new MNO citizenship card—both of which would have been issued to eligible citizens as part of the Registry Review process. For clarity, MNO citizens with citizenship files designated as “Incomplete” or “Missing Documentation” must complete their citizenship file before being eligible to apply for Direct Benefit Programs & Services
“Direct Benefit Programs & Services” is defined in the policy to related to programs and services delivered by the MNO from funding that: (1) has been negotiated or provided to the MNO on the basis that it represents rights-bearing Métis communities and Métis rights holders and (2) provides the MNO with discretion on how it designs, develops, and administers the funding. In many cases the funding under these programs and services is limited and insufficient to cover the needs of all MNO citizens, and may have the potential to provide significant financial benefits to individuals totalling thousands to tens of thousands of dollars (e.g., school tuition, assistance with down payments on the purchase of new homes, etc.).
The policy does not apply to funding that the MNO receives to deliver programs and services to: all Aboriginal peoples, self-identifying Métis, support the MNO’s self-government work, provide initial crisis supports for marginalized individuals (i.e., individuals who may be experiencing homelessness, suffering from mental health and addictions, or involved in the child welfare system) or to eligible reimbursement of authorized travel or expenses.
At this time, the policy relates to benefits provided under the MNO’s Early Learning and Child Care, Post Secondary Education, COVID Support, Home Improvement, Mental Health and Addictions, and Housing Stabilization programs. Ongoing supports under these programs will not be affected by this policy (i.e., no citizen will stop receiving services mid-programming); however, changes will take effect on future applications. New application windows for the Early Learning and Child Care Programs and Post Secondary Education Support Program will launch in early April 2022, and for the Home Improvement Plan in early May 2022. All future MNO programs launched will indicate clearly whether they fall under this new policy or not.
For questions about Direct Benefits please e-mail: directbenefits@metisnation.org
MNO Policy #2022-002: Verification of MNO Citizenship File Status to Other Governments and Third-Party Institutions
The Verification of MNO Citizenship File Status to Other Governments and Third-Party Institutions policy provides a mechanism for other governments (e.g., Canada, Ontario, Métis Nation governments) or third-party institution (e.g., universities, businesses, organizations, etc.) to confirm the citizenship file status of an MNO citizen applying for and/or potentially receiving an award, benefit, or recognition that requires proof that an individual is a Métis rights-holder. Such “awards, benefits, or recognitions” may include scholarships, bursaries, grants, honours, employment, loans, etc.
Based on questions received from other governments and third party institutions, as well as concerns raised by MNO citizens, this policy is aimed at helping to ensure that the MNO is not put in a situation where an MNO citizenship number or older MNO citizenship card are relied upon to verify an individual is a Métis rights-holder when that individual’s MNO citizenship file is “Incomplete.”
Under the policy, another government or third party institution seeking to verify an individual’s MNO citizenship file status, must make a request in writing to the MNO Registry or designated MNO staff. The MNO Registry or designated MNO staff would then contact the MNO citizen directly to authenticate the request and obtain their consent for the MNO to confirm their citizenship file status with the requesting other government or third party institution. Potential responses from the MNO Registry or designated MNO staff are limited to simply confirming that a citizen’s file either does or does not meet the current requirements for MNO citizenship, or that the citizen has not provided their consent to the status of their file being released.
No additional details specific to an MNO citizen’s file will be shared with the requesting government or third party institution. Citizens with “Incomplete” files may also be provided with an opportunity to try and complete their file prior to the MNO Registry or designated MNO staff responding to the request.
To help facilitate its operationalization, the policy authorizes the MNO administration to inform other governments and third party institutions of the existence of the policy, as well as to enter into potential agreements or arrangements related to it.
For questions about Internal/External Appointments please e-mail: appointments@metisnation.org
MNO Policy #2022-001: Eligibility for Internal and External MNO Appointments
In addition to the two policies noted above, which have been formally adopted by the PCMNO, the PCMNO also adopted in “draft form” the Eligibility for Internal and External MNO Appointments policy for the purposes of future engagement with MNO Community Councils.
As currently drafted, the policy contemplates limiting the eligibility requirements for appointments (within and outside of the MNO) to MNO citizens with “Complete” files, where the appointment would place the individual in a representative capacity in relation to the MNO, MNO citizens, Métis rights, and/or the rights-bearing Métis communities in Ontario. The intent of the draft policy is to ensure that MNO citizens appointed to such positions are themselves verified Métis rights holders.
As per the PCMNO’s direction, this draft policy will be further discussed with MNO community leadership prior to its potential formal adoption and implementation. Similar to the two other policies, the current draft of this policy also contemplates it being brought to the MNO AGA for formal consideration and potential adoption.
For questions about Direct Benefits please e-mail: directbenefits@metisnation.org
For questions about Internal/External Appointments please e-mail: appointments@metisnation.org
You can also reach out to your elected MNO representatives at: PCMNO@metisnation.org
If you are uncertain of the status of your citizen file, please contact the Registry Office at 1-855-798-1006 or email info@mnoregistry.ca. Citizens who do not have complete files are encouraged to continue working with Registry to try and complete their file.
About the MNO Registry Review & Next Steps
In October 2017, based on the foundational goal to secure the recognition of the MNO’s self-government from Canada, the Registry Review was initiated at the direction of the democratically elected PCMNO to:
- assess the “completeness” of all citizenship files based on the MNO’s current definition of Métis and the requirements of the MNO Registry Policy first adopted in 2014;
- provide the MNO with a clear understanding of “who” it represents for the purposes of self-government negotiations and Métis rights claims; and
- ensure that MNO citizens who hold elected leadership roles and represent Métis communities with respect to Métis rights, have completed citizenship files and are rights-holders themselves.
Based on the feedback received from citizens to date, the PCMNO has directed the MNO to move into the next phase of the Registry Review consultation process. As part of this next phase, the MNO has launched an online feedback portal to provide all MNO citizens with an additional opportunity to provide feedback on and have their voices heard in relation to the Registry Review. The response window for the online feedback portal, which opened on February 24, 2022, has been extended until April 4, 2022. You can access the online feedback portal here. (Please note: the feedback portal is now closed.)
The results of the citizen engagement sessions, along with feedback received through the online portal, will be compiled into a “What We Heard Report” that will be publicly posted on the MNO’s website in the future.