By Cora Bunn, President of the MNO Grand River Métis Council
MNO Citizens who participated in the Glenorchy Conservation Area restoration
In 2011, Hydro One, Conservation Halton, and the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) announced that they would partner on a project to establish 25 hectares of upland forest in the Glenorchy Conservation Area in the Town of Oakville as part of Hydro One’s Bruce to Milton Biodiversity Initiative.
In the late fall of 2012, the MNO Grand River Métis Council was approached by Nigel Finney of Conservation Halton to assist during a restoration work day. MNO citizens rose to the task and joined 43 other volunteers from the Field and Stream Rescue Team, Niagara College, the University of Waterloo and Oakvillegreen Conservation Association.
It was a cool day when MNO citizens arrived in Oakville, dressed for winter weather and ready to contend with very muddy clay soil. The rehabilitation involved planting acorns in a field previously used for farming. In some cases workers feet sunk into ankle-deep mucky mud and some even walked right out of their boots!
Over 60 kilograms of white oak, red oak, bur oak, shagbark hickory and bitternut hickory tree seeds were planted. Other work included the installation of a silt fence, helping create conditions for wildlife habitat and removing invasive species.
Another work day is planned for the spring when young trees will be planted. If you interested in participating to help restore Mother Earth contact Cora Bunn at