Submitted by: Joseph Paquette, MNO Veterans’ Council President

MNO Veterans' Council
(L-R) Shelly Claus (left) (MNO Veterans’ Council Women’s
Representative) and Sharlene Lance (MNO
Windsor-Essex-Kent Metis Council Women’s
Representative). Click here to view a larger version of the

Over the past year, fundraising for the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Veterans’ Council’s Vimy Ridge Project have been going strong! This project includes many special activities that will help mark the 100th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge.

Throughout the year, sisters Shelly Claus, MNO Veterans’ Council Women’s Representative, and Sharlene Lance, MNO Windsor-Essex-Kent Metis Council Women’s Representative, have been busy organizing various events to support the Vimy Ridge Project. Some of the events they have planned include a steak dinner, raffles, loonie/toonie auctions and much more! “Over 100 people attended the steak dinner, we sold out of tickets for the raffle prizes and approximately 85 people attended each auction,” said Shelly.

The MNO Veterans’ Council would like to thank all of the MNO citizens, friends and families that bought tickets and donated prizes and money. They would also to thank all of the volunteers for their help at these events, especially Shelly and Sharlene for all of their fundraising efforts.

To learn more about the MNO Veterans’ Council Vimy Ridge Project, please visit the MNO website.

Published on: November 8, 2016