Submitted by: Larry Ferris, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Chairperson
MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council members with other volunteers who took
part in the 2013 tree planting project.
Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Council members are being noted by local conservation clubs such as the North Simcoe Anglers and Hunters and the Lafontaine Habitat Restoration Association for their environmental work.
Last year the MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council youth and members helped the North Simcoe Anglers and Hunters plant 4,600 trees in the Simcoe County Forest Millennium Tract. Both groups have recently approached the Council asking for help with upcoming tree planting projects for the spring. The Council is glad to be given the opportunity to continue their conservation efforts in the region.
Last year, Council members partnered with Georgian Bay Bassmasters to purchase 1,000 trees hopes to reverse the problem dropping water levels near Lafontaine, Ontario. The Lafontaine Habitat Restoration Association provided volunteers and fantastic local and specific knowledge.
These are great organizations all working in the name of conservation and the Council should be proud of their role.