Submitted by: James Wagar, MNO Consultation Assessment Coordinator

Hydro Electric tour
MNO Consultation Committees touring proposed site for new OPG project. (Left to right) Region 2 Captain of the Hunt Ken Simard, Senator William “Torch”
Gordon, MNO staff member Kevin Muloin, Heather Brown, PCMNO Region 2 Councillor Cameron Burgess, Gerry Adams, MNO Thunder Bay Métis Council
President Jean Camirand, MNO Superior North Shore Métis Council President Trent Desaulnier and Joe Heil.

Building relationships with proponents requires ongoing work and learning about the companies that MNO partners with. Part of this important work is made possible by Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Consultation Committees.

Recently, the MNO Lakehead/Nipigon/Michipicoten Consultation Committees, along with Métis knowledge holders and Métis commercial fisherman, toured the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) proposed site for the Little Jackfish River Hydro Electric project.

The committees work in collaboration with MNO staff to ensure inclusive, transparent and meaningful Métis consultation and accommodation processes are in place.