Submitted by: Steve Gjos, MNO Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council Secretary

Powley Day_SSM Council_2016
(L-R) Phil Prentiss (MNO Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis
Council [HSSMMC] Councillor), Mitch Case (MNO Youth
Council President and PCMNO Youth Representative), Art
Bennett (Region 4 Captain of the Hunt), John Konawalchuk
(MNO HSSMMC Chair), Shari Smale (MNO HSSMMC
Treasurer), Steve Gjos (MNO HSSMMC Secretary),
Dianne Beaudry (MNO HSSMMC Councillor), Ken Figures
(MNO citizen), Brenda Powley (MNO HSSMMC Senator),
Kim Powley (MNO HSSMMC President), Shirley Loubert
(MNO HSSMMC Women’s Representative), Virginia Rydal
(MNO citizen), Ken Smale (MNO HSSMMC Councillor),
Margaret Froh (MNO President). Click here to view a larger
version of the picture.

On September 19, 2016, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council (HSSMMC) celebrated Powley Day with a sunrise ceremony at Algoma University. The ceremony was followed by a feast at Grand Gardens North.

Every year on September 19th, the MNO and Métis communities across the province mark Powley Day to remember the decade long fight led by the MNO with Steve and Roddy Powley for recognition of Métis harvesting rights in the R. v. Powley case. Click here to learn more about the Powley case.

The gathering included special guests such as: Brenda Powley, the wife of the late Steve Powley and MNO HSSMMC Senator; Kim Powley, the daughter of the late Steve Powley and HSSMMC President; and, Margaret Froh, MNO President.

Published on: November 1, 2016