Submitted by Thomas A. Thompson, PCMNO Councillor for Region 6

Council honours 3 veterans
Top: Veteran Edward Dorion Receiving Louis Riel Medal
and Medal of Batoche. (Left to right) Guy Mandeville, Chair
of the MNO Veterans’ Council, Veteran Edward Dorion,
Senator Robert Lloyd and Thomas A, Thompson, PCMNO
Councillor for Region 6. Middle: Deidre Thompson,
Acting President of High Land Waters Métis Council
presenting the Louis Riel Medal and The Medal of Batoche
to her Grandfather Thomas W. Thompson. Bottom: Veteran
Bill Fraser receiving the Louis Riel Medal and the Medal of
Batoche. (Left to right Guy Mandeville, Chair of Veterans’
Council, Veteran Bill Fraser, Senator Robert Lloyd and
Thomas A Thompson, PCMNO Councillor for Region 6.

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) High Land Waters Métis Council recently presented the Louis Riel Medal and the Medal of Batoche to three very deserving Métis veterans.

Veteran Bill Fraser of Trenton and Veteran Edward Dorian of Seeleys Bay were presented with the medals at the Council’s monthly meeting on March 14.

Veteran Thomas W. Thompson of Northbrook was presented with the medals on April 6 by Acting Council President Deidre Thompson.

All three veterans felt very honoured to receive these tokens of appreciation.

“It was an honor to be able to talk with these fine gentlemen and learn about their adventures,” said Acting President Thompson. “We are proud to have veterans within our region and are proud that they served for us.”