Submitted by: Cecile Wagar, MNO Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council Senator and Chairperson of the 10th Annual Métis Celebration
MNO President Margaret Froh (far left) says a few words
at the MNO Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council’s
10th Annual Métis Heritage Celebration. Click here to view a
larger version.
With perfect weather and a great attendance, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council (ODRMC) could not have asked for a better way to celebrate their 10th Annual Métis Heritage Celebration (the Celebration)! Cecile Wagar, ODRMC Senator and Chairperson of the Celebration said “it was the best event to date and allowed MNO citizens the opportunity to renew and form new Métis connections!”
The Celebration took place the weekend of June 25-26, 2016 at Memorial Park in Oshawa and included great participation from many MNO citizens and staff. The Celebration opened with a prayer from Joseph Poitras, Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) Senator, and a welcome address from MNO President Margaret Froh. MNO staff member Alicia Blore also was a keynote speaker during the event.Back row (L-R): John Henry, Mayor of Oshawa; Dr. Colin
Carrie, MP Oshawa; Shadi Ashabanian-Azad, Métis Youth.
Middle row (L-R): Serge Gagnon, Emcee; Peggy Forbes,
Durham College Aboriginal Advisor, Aboriginal Student
Centre; Jennifer French, MPP Oshawa; Margaret Froh,
MNO President; Alicia Blore, Keynote Speaker and MNO
staff; Sylvie Gravelle, Assistant to the Emcee. Front row
(L-R): Kristin Randall, MNO Oshawa and Durham Region
Métis Council President (ODRMC); Cecile Wagar, MNO
ODRMC Senator; Joseph Poitras, PCMNO Executive
Senator. (Photo source: @jennkfrench, Twitter). Click here
to view larger version of the picture.
During the Celebration, guests were invited to visit many different vendors and exhibitors as well as a silent auction booth. Amidst the exhibits, was a display and Colour Party set up by the MNO Veterans’ Council and a Métis roots cultural display set up by MNO staff member Scott Carpenter. There were also many different interactive activities set up for participants, including crafts, fiddle and spoons and different workshops. The MNO Summer Youth Cultural Program (SYCP) Toronto staff members led a jigging workshop and taught guests Métis Voyageur games.
Guests were entertained throughout the day by musical performances by: Ariko (La Famille Lefaive Family), All Our Relations Métis Drum Circle, Gravel Road Fiddlers, Leah Belle and Amy Pinkus. There was also a surprise performance by MNO citizen Auriele Diotte, former member of the Olivine Bousquet Métis Dancers—the Métis dance group of the MNO ODRMC.
The MNO ODRMC would like to thank their long-term partners and sponsors: Celebrate Canada, City of Oshawa, Ontario Power Generation, Via Rail Canada, Durham District School Board and LaQuinta Inn & Suites. The Council would also like to acknowledge their new sponsors: Nuclear Waste Management(L-R) Kristin Randall, MNO ODRMC President; Margaret
Froh, MNO President; Jennifer French, MPP Oshawa.
(Photo source: @jennkfrench, Twitter). Click here to view a
larger version of the picture.
Organization and Apex Sound & Light.
Senator Wagar said a ²gran marsee to all who attended, participated, performed, and volunteered! A special marsee to our refined [MNO] council and committee members who continue to build and improve on past successes with new ideas and energy.”
The MNO ODRMC would like you to mark your calendar for next year’s annual Métis Heritage Celebration! The event will take place on June 24-25, 2017 at Memorial Park in Oshawa. More details to come!
Updated on: September 16, 2016