18 participants presenting their handmade wooden
loom kits. Click here for larger picture.
Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Credit River Métis Council (CRMC) hosted a Loom Beading Workshop at the council’s new office in Brampton on March 26, 2017.
The free workshop offered novice and experienced beaders an introduction to the loom beading process. Participants received instructions on how to set up a beading loom and create a beaded bracelet. The workshop had a full house of 18 participants including Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario Senator Ray Bergie’s great-granddaughters Natalie and Gabriella Estevez, as well as Wyatt Lougheed, the great-nephew of workshop facilitator MNO CRMC Treasurer Darlene Lent. They provided stories, laughter and great expectations of how the youth will enrich and promote the Métis Nation in the future.
This workshop is one of many public events hosted by the MNO CRMC with the help of an Ontario Trillium Fund Grant to promote Métis culture, way of life and community spirit.
The mid-day break included a delicious and healthy lunch provided by the new MNO Healing and Wellness Coordinators Rose Colacci-Fines and Catherine Corbett. Special thanks to them and to Ed Hass, MNO Grand River Métis Council (GRMC) past-Senator for providing a closing prayer at the end of the day.
Everyone left with a handmade wooden loom kit, new friendships, smiles and a nurturing sense of community.
Posted: April 28, 2017