Submitted by: Larry Ferris, MNO Georgian Bay Métis Council Chair

Georgian Bay Youth Committee Fishing Derby
Métis youth and members from the MNO GBMC Youth
Committee and Veterans’ Council at the Fishing Derby.
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The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Georgian Bay Métis Council (GBMC) Youth Committee teamed up with the MNO GBMC Veterans’ Committee to organize a Fishing Derby for MNO citizens in the Georgian Bay region. The main goal was to promote fishing—a traditional Métis harvesting activity—to Métis youth. It was also an opportunity for Métis youth to meet with MNO veterans, to whom we owe so much.

As youth arrived, they were given a fishing rod and tackle pack to use during the derby and the best part is they got to keep them! Many of the youth were successful in catching a fish. For some this was the first fish they had ever caught! One youth caught a turtle, another first!

MNO Region 7 Captain of the Hunt (COTH) and Veterans’ Council Secretary Greg Garratt and his wife Heather (MNO GBMC Treasurer) generously hosted a barbeque lunch for derby participants at their home. The hot dogs and hamburgers were delicious but, unfortunately for the hosts, their raspberry bush was almost picked clean. They should have known better then to let nearly 30 Métis youth loose in their backyard! After lunch, prizes were awarded and youth were gifted grab bags to take home.

There was a great turn out with several MNO Council members, 27 youth and many parents and grandparents in attendance! It was an amazing event and everyone, especially the youth, enjoyed the day!

The MNO GBMC Youth Committee would like to thank in particular MNO GBMC Veterans’ Committee Chair Mike Duquette and COTH Garratt for all of their help. They would also like to thank the town of Penetanguishene for the use of their docks, Canadian Tire Midland for providing a discount on fishing tackle, MNO GBMC Youth Representative Markie Tuckett and all of the other volunteers. A final thank you goes to Ken ‘two-dogs’ Frazer for his tireless work in making this event such a success. When we all work together as a team, we can accomplish so much for the good of our MNO citizens!

Published on: July 29, 2016