Submitted by: Kaitrina Harrisson, Summer Student for the MNO Great Lakes Métis Council

fish fry
The cooks at the MNO Great Lakes Métis Council 4th Annual Fish Fry.

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Great Lakes Métis Council held their 4th Annual Fish Fry on July 20, at Hibou Park. Many MNO citizens in the area attended; the youngest being two months old and the oldest was 95 years young.

The weather was warm and sunny, perfect for a fish fry! MNO Great Lakes Métis Council Senator Malcolm Dixon opened the event with a prayer and introductions. Among attendants was the Mayor of Meaford.

Citizens mingled, children played at the beach and the event was roaring with activity. Entertainment was provided by Johnny Bortman from Listowell who not only played music, but brought toys and shakers for the children to play with. A trail walk was offered by Chris Hatchey with Grey-Sauble Conservation Authority.

The fish, cooked by Council members and volunteers, was served with salad and enjoyed by everyone.

A raffle was held for a kayak equipped with a safety package and a paddle. The lucky winner was Nadine Desjardins.

MNO staff members in attendance were: Jo-Anne Parent, Alden Barty, James Wager, Jody Blue, Debby Ferris and Greg Garratt.

The MNO Great Lakes Métis Council is thankful to Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) for supporting and sponsoring the event and to the hard working volunteers for helping put the event together.