Submitted by: MNO Great Lakes Métis Council

Great lakes council
Members of the MNO Great Lakes Métis Council.

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Great Lakes Métis Council has undertaken an in- depth strategic plan over the winter/spring 2012-2013.

“By In- depth, I mean we have involved our citizens with a questionnaire asking them about their expectations and also how they want to be involved in planning our future,” commented Peter Coture, President of the MNO Great Lakes Métis Council.

With the help of a Trillium Grant, the council hired a strategic planning facilitator who guided the council through the process and developed a citizen questionnaire. Thirty-seven per cent of responses were very positive and helpful. The questionnaire results focused on youth programming and Métis culture and language. The results also reflected various ways citizens wished to be involved with the council’s programs.

The strategic plan includes eight goals, one of which is to develop a series of monthly Métis cultural workshops. Each workshop will involve an elder and in some cases support from a youth. The focus of this workshop is to create a better understanding and appreciation on Métis history, language, and crafts. “This gives me an opportunity to share skills and knowledge which I hope will not be lost to the younger generation,” said one of the elders.

The council has also planned a dinner meeting for the citizens to hear a presentation by the facilitator Cliff Bilyea , ask questions as well sign up to assist in some of the programming planned in the coming years.

The MNO Great Lakes Métis Council believes the strategic plan will give council meetings better focus and will help in allocating budget resources. Looking back, Peter Coture said, “we had to make some tough decisions, but it will give us a clear direction for the next few years”