MNO President Margaret Froh, PCMNO Post-Secondary Rep Hannah Bazinet and MNC President Cassidy Caron at the MNO’s first-ever Post-Secondary Resiliency Gathering

The Métis Nation of Ontario held its first-ever Post-Secondary Resiliency Gathering on March 12 and 13, 2022.

The virtual event sought to equip current and aspiring Métis post-secondary education students with the knowledge and confidence to respond to situations they may face as they move through the education system — precarious housing, domestic abuse, and potential legal issues.

The fact that the event was virtual allowed the MNO to reach a larger audience than may have occurred if it was in person with over 100 participants attending.

The gathering involved peer-to-peer sharing sessions, workshops and presentations from Rent Smart, Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto and MNO programs including Victims Services, all with a focus on recognizing and celebrating the resilience of Métis people. Participants also received a “conference kit” that included Métis literature and items that are to help tie back into the culture.

“Resiliency is such an important and integral part of the Métis experience,” said MNO President Margaret Froh in her opening remarks to the gathering.

“Throughout our history Métis have shown that adversity is something we must face head on and while the challenges have changed the fact remains that we are a people who thrive in the face of adversity and I am so proud we are continuing that legacy with our young Métis. Whether you’re looking at leadership today, or over the course of the last 100 years or more it’s something that I think is hardwired into our DNA as Métis people.”

On day one of the gathering, Métis National Council President Cassidy Caron gave a special key-note address in which she shared aspects of her post-secondary experience and talked about her deep connection to her people.

“Growing up outside of the homeland, I was really fortunate to be connected to who I was, and to my roots in Saskatchewan knowing who I was as a Métis person,” said President Caron. She also remarked on resiliency has moved Métis people forward as a nation.

“I have a vision of a future where we’re all building together, where we are all making space for everybody to contribute to the things that matter to you, and in ways that build the entire nation up.”

Previous to that, the day was dedicated to learning how to navigate the rental market, how to live with roommates, how to keep an eye out for rental scams and what their rights are as tenants. The gathering was also given information and resources they could use if they are even in a domestic violence or abuse situation, including resources provided by the MNO.

Day two featured cultural offerings — the participants learned about finger weaving and the spiritual, cultural and historic significance of it to the Métis people. The day ended with a discussion on what resiliency meant to them and their paths going forward.

The gathering covered topics critical to Métis health and well-being and this workshop will provide the knowledge, healing and resources required to help diminish the need for emergency supports. A healthy, educated youth population will facilitate a strong, vibrant, viable future for Métis in Ontario by strengthening the likelihood of successful outcomes for citizens.

For more information on future gatherings at the Métis Nation of Ontario please visit