From left: MNO Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council
President Kim Powley, Region 4 PCMNO Councillor Ernie
Gatien, MNO North Channel Métis Council President
Yvonne Jensen, MNO President Gary Lipinski, PCMNO
Youth Representative Mitch Case and MNO Associate
Chief Operating Officer Margaret Froh.Submitted by MNO North Channel Métis Council President Yvonne Jensen
On September 13, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) North Channel Métis Council held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Blind River Marina. Over 70 people were in attendance.
The day began at 10:00 a.m. with a canoe trip along the Mississagi River Delta, guided by nine members of the Algoma Paddlers Canoe and Kayak Club. MNO President Gary Lipinski, Associate Chief Operating Officer Margaret Froh, MNO North Channel Métis Council President Yvonne Jensen, Provisional Council of the MNO (PCMNO) Councillor Ernie Gatien and local Youth Representative Taylor McNally began their journey while listening to stories about the voyageurs that travelled that very river.
The small flotilla glided past an old fur traders’ cemetery and the remains of the Hudson Bay Trading Post that once stood on the banks of the river. On their way to the meeting, the paddlers saw an eagle and agreed it was a good omen.
MNO Historic Sault Ste. Marie Métis Council Senator Brenda Powley said the opening prayer for the meeting, followed by opening remarks by President Lipinski.
President Jensen gave her report on the MNO North Channel Métis Council’s activities and proudly announced that there are 26 new MNO citizens in their area this year.
Representatives of the PCMNO, Councillor Ernie Gatien and Youth Representative Mitch Case, also addressed the gathering. Councillor Gatien spoke about the 2015 Annual General Assembly and the upcoming elections for the MNO North Channel Métis Council. Representative Case stressed the importance of Métis youth being involved within the MNO and spoke of the Infinite Reach camps organized by the MNO.
The meeting ended with a 20-minute presentation by the Algoma Paddlers’ President Wally Van Dyke, demonstrating the equipment they use when canoeing within the area.
President Jensen presented Van Dyke with a copy of the MNO’s book, Values and Traditions of our Ancestors.
Published on: September 30, 2015