singing circleA singing circle gathered by the Carleton University Art
Gallery where the Walking With Our Sisters exhibit was
On October 15, over 40 participants travelled to Ottawa to view the Walking With Our Sisters memorial exhibit at the Carleton University Art Gallery.

The event was a collaboration between Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) offices in Ottawa, Bancroft and Renfrew, to give people outside of Ottawa a chance to view the inspiring exhibit.

“It was a vision we wanted to show for the MNO, that although we’re in different offices, we all have one vision and one heartbeat together…before we knew it, this great big event was happening,” said Marsha Depotier, an MNO staff member for the south region Victim Services from the MNO Bancroft office.

James Wright, also from Bancroft, was one of the participants who came to Ottawa to see the exhibit.

“I came mostly because of the media coverage lately, they’ve been showing how many Native women have disappeared or been hurt. Coming today really showed me…the number doesn’t say anything until you see all those [vamps] and you really feel that loss of the generation, you really feel it,” Wright said.

The Walking With Our Sisters exhibit ends on October 16.

Published on: October 16, 2015