MNO shortlisted for Housing Supply Challenge
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) recognizes that we all have a right to affordable housing, and MNO’s Housing & Infrastructure team is working diligently to make this a reality. So, when a unique opportunity to work with Canada on targeted housing strategies presented itself, the MNO’s Housing & Infrastructure branch sprang into action.
Earlier this year, MNO’s Housing & Infrastructure branch submitted an application to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (MNHC) Housing Supply Challenge, a competitive, national initiative that aims to remove and reduce barriers to affordable housing. This month MNO was thrilled to learn they had been selected as one of 21 shortlisted organizations.
As a shortlisted applicant, the MNO receives $200,000 in funding for the exploratory stages of the Housing Challenge; and, if selected as a finalist, will share a pool of $22.5 million in additional funding to further develop and implement their proposal.
The MNO’s application recognised that the lack of Métis-specific housing data makes developing targeted strategies for Métis challenging. To address this problem, the MNO will mine and update available data to generate a Métis-specific strategy that will ultimately increase the housing supply for Métis across Ontario.
The Housing Supply Challenge consists of six rounds spanning the next five years, each with a unique focus; such as Northern Housing, Construction Technology, and Public Perception of New Developments.
Having made the shortlist for stage one, the MNO now turns its attention to the challenge’s second stage. In this predevelopment stage, MNO Housing & Infrastructure will develop local solutions to remove barriers to the development of affordable housing.
By taking advantage of CMHC resources and engaging in critical new research, the MNO is on a path towards developing a comprehensive, data-driven system to inform Métis housing strategies, policies, and investments. Access to safe, affordable housing benefits us all. By building partnerships and making strategic investments, the MNO is continuing its work to ensure all Métis Citizens have a place to call home.
A huge thanks and marsii to all involved in making affordable housing for Métis both accessible and a priority.
Visit the MNO website to learn more about MNO Housing & Infrastructure and supports such as the Métis Housing Stabilization Program and Home Improvement Pilot Program.
To view a list of all shortlisted applicants for the Housing Supply Challenge visit:
Led by CMHC, the challenge is part of Impact Canada in collaboration with the Impact and Innovation Unit in the Privy Council Office and Infrastructure Canada.