Based on the article originally published by Carleton University at:
MNO Post-secondary Officer Sheila Grantham (left) during an Aboriginal graduation
ceremony at Carleton University. (Photo credit: Carleton University).
Sheila Grantham who is the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Post-secondary Officer and a Carleton University PhD student has been appointed to sit on Carleton University’s new Aboriginal Education Council. Her role is to ensure the Métis perspective is represented in the university’s Aboriginal strategy.
The 33-member council was announced on November 19, 2013. In a statement from Carleton announcing the council’s formation, its purpose was described as “providing knowledge and guidance on programs, courses and services that have an Aboriginal focus and it will be the main resource on education and support needs of Aboriginal students, staff and faculty.”
“I have been a student at Carleton since 2001,” stated Grantham. “Ever since I started there I have worked towards greater inclusivity and supports for indigenous students. I continue this important work in my position at the Métis Nation of Ontario as I support many Métis students within MNO’s Infinite Reach Métis Student Solidarity Network.”
“As an indigenous student,” she continued, “I know what it is like to have additional barriers in post-secondary, as such my role with the council provides me with a greater voice for Métis and other indigenous students to help ensure that they succeed in school and look to Carleton as a place where they can reach their full potential.”
The council meets once a month and includes Carleton students, staff and faculty, as well as several representatives from First Nation and Inuit communities.